ITT: The United States of America still has a chance to be great again! The election is in less than 2 weeks and there...

ITT: The United States of America still has a chance to be great again! The election is in less than 2 weeks and there is only one option to save this country...this world. No doubt make it a better place.
Trump will wipe out ISIS.
Trump will keep the trash out of our great country. Strengthen the border.
Trump will make stronger allies and not be a kiss ass, apologizing queer. He will take no shit. We need that with Russia flexing it's weak ass muscle.
Trump will make our economy better. Hopefully get some industry going in places we really need.
Trump is the less evil....I think?

Other urls found in this thread:

>great again
...we're always great.

yes but how

i'm with ya really.


>We need that with Russia flexing it's weak ass muscle
You must have missed the memo. Trump loves Putin, America and Russia are the greatest of allies, and only Hillary wants war with Russia.

Stay Nimble, America.

i don't know. we really don't have much of a choice. it's sad really. this is a feels thread? lol

That's what I'm saying. Or meant to say (im a little high). Stronger allies...we need to stay good allies with Russia and I know Trump can do that. Hopefully like Reagan and Gorb

people taking a gamble on a highly volatile candidate is indeed sad

Ultimate Trump

>contradicting self
>supporting Trump
>"im a little high"
You don't say...

You dont think Clinton is volatile? Whatever the fuck you said.
She has helped destroy northern africa and middle east. Libya still has no government because of the current admin. Are you fucking stupid?

not a contradiction.
this is america bitch.
i smoke a little weed and im a BAMF.

and i got dubs.
1 off from quints.

you can't even get dubz you fucking queer.


I mean, kind of.

Yes, Clinton is a bloodthirsty grandmother that used power moves to prove her worth for her candidacy (and it's come back to bite her in the ass) but did you really care about those shitholes outside the US before the shit slinging campaigns started though?

I'm sorry, I'm just butthurt about John Kasich losing to the edgy memelord cadidate

clarification: yes I am kind of retarded


yea the ISIS shit bothers me a lot. i have watched the videos they put out and they all need to die.

I liked Kasich a lot. I lived outside Columbus and I always thought he was an actual human. I would be voting for him too.

You're not retarded man.

is this real? this is good