RYM / Sonemic General

Based Ploymath Top Lad Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Sonemic will NEVER lunch

when i'm high i just think everyone in these threads is severely mentally ill

ITT: Nu-males




those are dick suckin lips

Redpill me on why this is the new Avalanches?

Rate "Your" Music

How To Get Mad RYM Cred

>be gay
>be of an ethnic minority
>listen to shidaiqu box sets you bought from walmart


Hello everyone. This is my beautiful RYM

there's literally no worthwhile RYMer who isn't gay. prove me wrong

hello montie

Can you even use RYM for classical or jazz or any genre that doesn't specifically adhere to the album format?

You can rate singles and compilations. You cannot rate written music.

>tfw account's just too young to have beta access to Glitchwave
>tfw Glitchwave NEVER EVER



fuck off you disgusting freak

L "Y" J is literally the objectively most based rym user though and he's straight and get's laid all the time, not to mention.


I feel something thick and creamey moving down...


Not true, btw. jmarvin is awesome, and is totally not a pedophile, there's literally nothing wrong with finding cute anime girls attractive.

These threads are garbage. /daily/ BTFO's this shitty excuse for a general.

its just a bunch of tripfags


The Avalanches are decent, this is pure shit.

maybe you should start tripping... just a thought...

Smoke'm if you got'm!

She said stop smoking
I stop smoking
She said stop drinking alchohal
I stop drinking alchohal
She said stop rating MUSIC
I stop her Breathe

Any RYM discord?

All the real polymaths share a secret meme illuminati discord. Even L"Y"J is there. But you'll never get in.

can confirm

some faggot from this discord is definitely the one who typed this

stop shilling your cringey "le sekrit club xD" server you ginormous faggot

Trump 2020

what if I told you...that L "Y" J and Esichio are in there

Hey, it's not shilling when there's no chance you'll get in. I'm not trying to sell you a product. Just letting you know who REALLY runs this place.



maybe the real L "Y" J was the friends we made along the way

Imagine being this mad that you aren't ploymath enough to join the discord. Sorry, but it's for top tier ploymaths only, the likes of you will NEVER get in.


This, unironically.

I saw L "Y" J at a Harris Teeter in Chesapeake yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, and asked him to redbull me on himself, but I didn’t want to be an embryo and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “I got something thick and creamey for ya bitch”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “It's L "Y" J bitch” and air wanking his hand in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him talk to one of his ho's. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen boxes of celestial seasonings teas in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he stared at her body and did a thrusting motion, but eventually brought the teas to the counter.
When she took one of the boxes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and told me "bitches on my dick cause I'm L "Y" J, bitches not on yours cause you aren't L "Y" J". I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each box and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by saying "Lads..." really loudly over and over again.

This never stops being funny.

I love L "Y" J too desu

ffdp is shit, good taste otherwise

I Just Fucked Your Bitch In Some Onkyo Flip Flops


Look, I found her!
Red Coat,
Look, I found her.

>tfw supreme tier 1 art music listening ploymath god

Bach for this feel?


cmyk is fantastic

>he's not in the discord

Thanks for Cosmictones for bringing it to my attention.

i would recommend "love what happened here" too if you haven't heard it (the song, not the EP. the other two songs on there aren't very good, but love what happened here is a 5 star for me)

How many onkyo albums do I need to five star before I get in?

You won't know until you've done it. You'll see a thick and creamey PM in your inbox - that's your invite.

fyi, there are small groups beyond rym that are beyond discord - pab

The sound of food........being digested , in one's own stomach!!

t. neo-rymer

whenever i've talked to actual mysterious polymaths, they tell me they don't really have internet friends.

You've obviously never talked to actual mysterious polymaths. We have a cabal amongst ourselves.

Who's your favorite RYM ploymath?

redpill me on these groups
what are they and what are their endgames


thumbs up if you would rather listen to boulez than watch the grammys

tfw no theo bf


They're lying to you and then pasting the screenshots in their secret discord chats to laugh at your Tier-4 ass

What the fuck. I just started playing this on youtube and closed it out in 10 seconds. I'm unironically triggered.

who wants to watch the single worst video on youtube

i'm legit disturbed after watching it

doki doki



Do it up



>tfw the literal shit on this channel accounts for a good portion of her side income
>she could go full time with this if she so desired
Is it really this easy?


The grammys should be giving all Japanese women awards to acknowledge their supremacy. WTF america!


Let's just start boycotting everything until Japanese women run every single last industry.

They didn't give any album of the year to blacks this decade, but they have given them plenty in the past. And pretty much all shitty pop, rap, etc categories always have blackies on them


minimal moods


im getting a job at Sea World since their removing all the animale shows im gonna be the next big star because my blubber already makes me the size of a whale only bigger and people are gonna be amazed and wet when they see me cannon ball into the old shamu pool (im replacing him) and splash eevry one in the splash zone and their gonna yell my name like heart strings heart strings and then when my shift is done i can go to the kids area and go to the free partie's and win toys made in my image (like im a god and these are my idols) and then at nite i get a free place to SLEEP and what im looking forward to most is the trainers feeding me jack link's beedf jerky (messin' with sasquach)

whose heart strings ????

just mah friend ^_^


all anime fans should be lynched

>embryo hating on weebs
every time

stop being a living meme

I don't have to be a head to recognize degeneracy

secret fb groups comprised of artists, labels, and associated persons (distros, venue owners, designers) sharing in progress works and collaborating as well as discussing the music itself

no endgame

also anonymous group chats w/ similiar types who meet at specified times to share tracks then disperse

Free Bobby Shmurda

He Is Cola

Will Sonemic allow me to give ratings like 7.5 so I can be like Scaruffi? There's a big difference between a 7 and a 7.5

what are some cool things I can do with a subscription?

it allows you to give a 7+ and a 7-
changing your name, related albums

>There's a big difference between a 7 and a 7.5
No there isn't


You know what would make you guys really "Ploymath"? Not being an animeNEET who spends his time shitposting nonsense while giggling to himself. Get the fuck off the computer.

An ad-free viewing experience :)


real question though when will you commit suicide by candlelight

Glitchwave beta allows you to have any rating system you want, so you could use any score from 0.1 to 10.0. however each custom rating will be assigned to one "base rating" (the normal 0.5-5.0 system of RYM)

for example, any score from 7.1 to 8.0 is equivalent to a 4.0 for scoring/chart purposes, but the rating that will appear in your profile is the one you chose

I'm pretty sure Sonemic will have the same feature

on scaruffis scale there is

Now Watch Me Whip

Now Watch Me Hladik


