Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums...

Thinking of breaking into a house. I'm thinking of wearing all black, mask included, which would disguise me well in the night, but I think that would be extremely suspicious if I were seen in that garb. I also thought of wearing regular clothes, which would not be suspicious, but I would be easily seen.

Which should I do?

wear an invisible cloak stupid ass

wear civilian clothes like another regular shirt and shorts under and take off nig gear after robbery

Wear something reasonably dark, but not inconspicuously so. Your best bet is to take a low cut bright shirt, and a dark gray or possibly black hoodie, with of course a ski mask or something in the pockets. Make sure you are very careful with fingerprints. Buy a new pair of gloves and make sure you don't touch the outside until after the crime is committed. Also, keep them in a bag in your pockets, or just in a bag with some socks. Same with shoe soles. You may even want to bring matte tinted goggles to obscure your eyes, because some people have been, heh, heh, eyedentified.

from someone who has done this before:
1.) buy new clothes no one you know has seen
2.) wear a mask
3.) go in strapped
4.) after the robbery, piss off and ditch the clothes, or save them for a future go

all there is to it

How about don't steal shit that doesn't belong to you, you degenerate fuck?


My eyes do stick out...I will keep that in mind

Black....got it.....makes sense now.

OP here.

What kind of bag should I bring? I plan to take around a small duffel's worth of goods. Should it be a plastic trash bag? A duffel bag? A backpack? I won't be able to fit much in my pockets

A backpack you can fasten to yourself should you need to jump a wall quick

I agree, backpack is the best idea. You don't have to pay attention to it if you need to run because it is out of the way on your back and not in your hands. Also looks much less suspicious.

Shoes can fuck you over quicker then a witness wear a size that isn't yours (make them fit however you can whether you loosen the laces like a madman or stuff them like a taxidermist) and dispose of them after EACH occasion best to purchase something preworn like from a thrift store or swap market or goodwill

Lots of criminals here I see

just go naked
you're all black anyway because you're a nigger going around stealing shit


OP here,

Would it be wise to buy the necessary new materials (new backpack, new clothes, shoes) at different stores? Could they track you by the purchase receipt?

This user is an idiot. The only way the cops are looking for your shoe treads is if you kill the people in the house you're robbing. You rob a house, unless you do something totally fucked up or rob someone important, the cops will just take a list of stuff stolen and make a note of it.

Use cash

Real life isn't fucking CSI, the local PD isn't going to fingerprint your house because your PS4 got stolen one night.

Dark grey or dark blue is better. Black is only best when it's really dark. You'll probably be in low light conditions, and black creates more of a profile in those conditions.

Do a "ding dong ditch" to see if someone's home or if there are any dogs. Wait 15 mins and observe if lights go on. Kick open a door out of sight from the road and neighbors and head to the master bedroom for expensive goodies, don't bog yourself down with shit like a tv. Go for jewelry, guns, cash...look under the mattress too, people are dumb and hide shit there. Get in and out in less than 3 mins. Dont drive your own car right up to the place you're robbing.

Also, don't do this if your state has very loose gun laws. You might find yourself with an ass full of buckshot.

I live in Texas