S/fur : digging for references edition

S/fur : digging for references edition.

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i suppose, IV would be preferable for me :p

i'm not sure how well it would burn something thicker, the burner is a little sheet of metal(?) fibers that burns (very slowly, there's no flame) the lighter fluid vapour
something more oily would probably just end up ruining the burner

>chinese chemistry experiment kind of cheap
this i think, it was just bad even when i bought it, gonna avoid those ones in future

i used to have a tumble dryer and i miss it, but i'd not use it if I couldn't have enough time to get a properly dried load - half-dry stuff is the worst

>suggest you lie w/ a sheep.
funnily enough you won't find any of those around here. the most i've ever seen was everywhere in the scottish highlands

hmm, i dunno how it would taste just on its own atop some pancakes...







Looking for RP partners: f-list.net/c/alexander_k


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S/Fur Comics torrent - Remove the 2 spaces in the above magnet link.


furry fantasy vii





>dat pic
Oh. Also,



>tfw too intelligent for s/fur

i have a couple more ref pics somewhere, i just can't be arsed to dig them up

>i used to have a tumble dryer and i miss it
Why, it kills most known fabric

>you won't find any of those around here
Oh yeah, already furgot two threads back...

>dunno how it would taste just on its own atop some pancakes
Like coffee, it sort of promises on the tin


eh, was the first reasonably sized one on google images

thanks for the sheets



Maybe next time take a photo of the actual thing?



my clothes survived the abuse for the past ~3 years

admittedly what i'm currently wearing is partially destroyed but that's not tumble dryer related

>Oh yeah, already furgot two threads back...
sick burn? :p

i'd imagine that stuff to be a little overpowering when used alone, but i'll find out sometime soon

>inb4 ew starbucks, more like starfucks amirite???


that pic showed what i meant, and mine is currently burning so i wouldn't want to take it apart

...and my decent camera hasn't been charged in weeks



Hey Maus


Good shit.


Heyo mighty.





>not sfur in op
gj faggot





>past ~3 years
>mfw literally still wear 7+ year old t-shirts

>admittedly what i'm currently wearing is partially destroyed but that's not tumble dryer related
Someone came to collect debts?

>sick burn?
Alert the trauma unit

>inb4 ew starbucks
Have tried a few of their grounds because a shop was selling a soon-to-expire batch fur 1€/200g bag. Very basic butt drinkable coffee


Oh, great, this again.

Postin' lesbians.


It's like someone attached a Hazel to a fan










s stands for straight, not gay








well that was when i started using the dryer, and now i don't have it, so i don't have the data to say whether or not my stuff could survive 7+ years of tumble drying

occasional damage from sharp objects, burns (lol not the handwarmer), catching on things etc
doesn't matter because i'm wearing it at home :p


















>when you realise you don't have any martin* images on this SSD
Evening, people.








"Gay" is just considered either dudes fucking, or a solo dude, not even getting into herms. You can make the argument that straight should just be m/f sex, but that'd take out all of the sole female shit as well and solving a problem straight people don't want solved, as it isn't a problem.

Evening guy


This looks very familiar.

TidalNight or LegendaryFrog?
