Does anyone else just want to kill Trump and Clinton?

Does anyone else just want to kill Trump and Clinton?

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I'd attend a public burning of clinton and I'd buy the beer. Trump is irrelevant to me.

Trump doesn't deserve to die. If he has ideals that many view as backwards, that doesn't warrant death. Hillary on the other hand, has a string of corpses following her. Someone who has murdered and or caused death deserves to die. Clinton has actually had people killed, and yet blind liberals still vote for a career criminal.

No I like Clinton, and Trump hasn't done anything to warrant death.

There is no evidence that Clinton killed anyone

There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a child rapist.

Someone who thinks baseless propaganda is fact and ignores actual legal allegations is either a retard or a shill.


you gotta kill one, marry one, fuck one:

bernie, hillary, trump

marry bernie, fuck hillary, kill trump

you give me a slight glint of hope


You should look at the cases that Bill settled out of court, instead of the allegations Trump has yet to.

Marry hillary, and pull a bill.
Kill Bernie since its close to his time.
And I'd fuck Trump hard.

Says an obvious shill. If you even tried to look at the evidence revolving around her, you'd see. here is your .01 cent.

You cannot connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma or whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the right path and that will make all the difference.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living some else's life, don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of peoples thinking. Don't let the opinions of other peoples thinking drown out your own inner voice. You've got to find what you love, which is as true for your work as it is true for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet keep looking and don't settle. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition that somehow you already know what you truly want to become.



you guys fall for bait too easily.

>look at the evidence
I have, it's pretty fucking solid.

She WAS raped at 13, the courts have already ruled that as true, it's just a matter if Trump was involved as she has maintained for the last 20 years.
>also, she's not the only one supporting the claim

more than just allegations buddy

Pretty much the whole world.

check out
eight chan dot net slash hgg

Jeffery has tapes of everyone who has slept with his prostitutes, do your fucking homework bozo. Considering the election cycle we are in and Jeffery and Bill still being friends, I would have t say that video doesn't exists meaning Trump never slept with his prostitutes or slaves.

Not only that Trump has openly talked shit about Jeffery for years and years.

That image is like some sort of modern art piece on bad typography.

>Trump must be innocent because he talked shit about a witness to his rape of a child
wow that's desperate

>d shit about a witness to his rape of a child
Has the rape ever been proven? No?

Then why are you talking like he has been convicted of this crime?

I like how you've cherry picked that quote, Go look up the other 100 about him.


eat shit nigger


Obamas Guilt so far:

Obama lied, he knew about Hillary’s secret server and wrote to her
using a pseudonym, cover-up happened (intent to destroy evidence)

There are a lot of emails implying this, but this email states it very clearly so anyone can understand. The email proves obstruction of justice and shows how they lied to the FBI, and likely perjury of Congress. This at the very least proves intent by her Chief of Staff.

Obama used executive privilege on their correspondence. Cheryl Mills (who was given immunity) states they need to "clean up" the Clinton/Obama e-mails because they lacked

Additionally, Obama on video publicly denied knowing about the server. He also claimed on video that he learned about the secret server through the news like everyone else. The corruption goes all the way to the top! Obama is lying to the American public.
video links:

Hillary Clinton set up her private server to hide her pay to play deals discovered throughout these leaks, and to prevent FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests.
Paul Combetta was hired to modify the email headers that referred to a VERY VERY VIP individual, i.e; change the name of who it was from. If you read Stonetear/Combetta story, it's easy to see this is exactly what he was attempting. He wanted to change header information on already sent mail to show "" instead of Hillary's private email address. Multiple people informed him of the infeasibility (and illegality) of it, so somewhere in the next 6 days it was decided that simply eradicating them was the only option left.

HIDF detected


The rape was proven, Trump's involvement is questioned

I think I'll stick to quotes from his victims



The FBI said they could not find intent of trying to break the law, therefore no recommendation of prosecution. This email proves, in plain language, that there was intention, and knowingly broke the law.
Ask yourselves: why would they both be communicating on a secret server to each other? Why not through normal proper channels? What were they hiding? We may soon find out…


So for this election, the world's self-appointed purveyors of democracy will have one presidential candidate in the dock on a civil matter and the other on a criminal one. Makes you proud, doesn't it?

CTR detected.

Who wants to kill this guy/girl?


>>There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a child rapist.

>>Someone who thinks baseless propaganda is fact

kek, also she was instrumental in convincing Obama to fuck up Libya. Shit ton of people died there. She want's us to bomb the shit out of Syria and shoot down Russian planes, so yeah, she kills people.

I was happy to have sex when I thought that a modelling career and money were in my future, but when I didn't get any, I was angry and it was rape. It was pedophilia sure, but rape? Doubtful.

Reported to the FBI

How about getting kicked out of Uni for rape?

Trump is one bad mother fucker.

Trump was originally indicted on these rape charges in a criminal case, not a civil one.

The case was closed because Epstein took the fall and plead the 5th to Trump's involvement, but the testimony against Trump has not changed since that criminal case.

Trump is hideous, the fact that any woman allows him to touch her is what surprises me. Anyone surprised by him being a rapist is naive as fuck.

Mostly correct. The criminality and corruption have included Obama from the very beginning.

But to me that suggests the "VERY VIP" whose email stonetear was ordered to scrub was *Obama*.

At the time no one knew Obama had also been using private email. Changing Hillary's email address(es) would be glaringly obvious - it was an archive of her emails they were handing over. But changing *Obama's* email adress would hide his involvement, since no one even knew to look for it.

So I believe stonetear was ordered to scrub an email address (and he might not have even known whose, but that viper Cheryl Mills sure as fuck did), and that "VERY VIP" was Obama.

Even Queen Hillary, powerful as she was, was still a "limited hangout" to protect the globalists' King: their President.

nah MAGA

Trumps a moron, Hillarys a fuck up, and you dipshits scream fact is propaganda and propaganda is fact. Meanwhile, im moving to New Zealand so I can watch the devolution of democracy from a pleasant distance. BEst thing that could happen to america is Trump wins Clinton has him killed Pence shits himself and dissappears, Ryan becomes potus and dems keep the House.

I'm starting to really miss that socialist jew.

Sign this petition to out rigged voting machines from the proven-to-be-biased soros

If I wanted a free ride for life, I'd accuse a pair of billionaires, expecting my "word" to be taken as fact. Nothing like some "reparations" for a little acting.

"I'm moving to"
Lol they're not going to accept your dumb ass, they're as rational as the rest of us "bigots" you little cuck. You're going to be the Piers Morgan of New Zealand.

how is 4th grade going OP?


Well, let me elucidate something for you. I've been to many places in my line of work: Paris, Krakow, Malabo, Geoje, Whangarei, to name a few. They seem quite happy in my company and I dont think thant they would have any trouble with a little "cuck?" lIke me. You may have trouble with understanding my distain for our current election and the citizens thant cant make heads or tails of common sense, but Ill simplify it for you. "You uneducated fucks are giving me a headache with you indiscriminate harping over the two most unqualified candidates available." Hope you can follow.

So you shit the bed and you're going to go sleep in another one. That basically makes you syria.

my eyes, they said no but he just kept typing...

Better than sleeping in the bed you shat in, wouldn't you agree?

Better than sleeping in the bed you shat in wouldn't you agree?

Actually I've never been a US citizen, I just don't want your taint in the other colonies, I've had to deal with enough of you clueless assholes cowering from your own mess in the past few months.

Ill do it for the Alamo

Well you seem quite intrigued in foreign affairs enough to make such bold statements that contradict you claim of not wanting our "taint". So that either makes you a masochist or a liar. Aside the fact, you couldnt tell me apart from any other citizen sans the lack of an ear bleeding accent, so Ill politely leave on, "You can suck the hairiest part of my balls, ill do as I please and theres nothing you can do to stop me you unwashed cunt"

>Fishing this hard.
