Mfw Sup Forums starts copying our memes

>mfw Sup Forums starts copying our memes

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Sup Forums died the summer of 2013

They've been doing it for years m8

Dumb frogposter.

Yes yes well done OP well done


Sup Forums takes everyone memes

If you see this you die but not only if you post "mercy dumble CIA"

Higuain to Venezuela after that second goal

Ha, I have immunity CIA. you can't fucking touch me

>check Sup Forums catalog
>full of threads that are literally a day old
why did they die, Sup Forums? will we die too?

>starting a greentext with mfw
>not knowing where mfw originated

It didn't die. Sup Forums is frequented by people who actually have lives so thry arent there shitposting around the clock. The board just moves slow when there aren't big sporting events going on.

It's alive by letter of the law but it's spirit was snuffed out by overzealous, underpaid mods that stripped the very soul from the place by unblinking deletion of anything that hinted at funposting like power rankings, eventb owls and >tfw no gf threads

It was like tearing down a cathedral and replacing it with a walmart

We're next

Because the based janitor/mod got rid of all the Sup Forums meme cancer

Reminder that Sup Forums actually has a ridiculously small userbase that is only hidden by the fact that posters don't need trips to post.

Why? Bc >muh World Cup?

>Sup Forums died

No Sup Forums killed itself with the picard spammers

Wow this is like my own little secret club

/hoc/ is really the cutting edge of memes. Sup Forums takes a while to catch up

mercy dumble CIA

Sup Forums moved on to Sup Forums

Sup Forums is game threads and league threads. I guarantee you tomorrow night will be filled with the most shitposting you'll ever see after lelbron or Stephanie get their trophy. And it's quite active these days now that Euro started.