Dubs helps me plan my school shooting

dubs helps me plan my school shooting

Where will said shooting be taking place?

Iowa its boring as fuck out here

if dubs, shoot yourself in the head, OP

First gather all amunition (water bottles) and your choice weapons (water guns) then let loose on the isolated kids first, moving on to classrooms then finally teachers. Make coldumbyne broud



shoot yourself in the head, then go to the school

Rex3 roll

Rex4 roll

there may be a small logistical problem with this plan


Thew may be a smarr rogisticur probrem rith this pran

Get explosives or something to lock most Doors of the gym.
Go with the principal, point a gun at him.
Ask him to Say something along the lunes like:
- Everybody go to the gym, there is an emergency.
Shoot that faggot in the face.

use the water gun strategy mentioned above, but with actual guns

find the mentally retarded kids and kill them first

Wait for assembly

Open fire



It's so done. Booooring! That shits 20 years old

if op kiled himself first there'd be no shooting

use waterguns but with bleach

kill all the niggers


Make sure you shout black lives matter while it happens

using my roll to instead of shooting up school, get gym membership, go to gym 3x a week doing back/chest/legs, be consistent in gym, look up a good diet that is mostly just lean meat and veggies, work out hard and consistently track and increase the weights on your lifts, attempt to go on dates with women and kiss/fuck them, improve your schooling and try to start your own business or enter into a stem/med profession out of university, improve yourself and your life in general and become rich successful and sexually satisfied/self actualized fulfilled as a man

Start by shooting yourself in the face then do what you want after that.

This, that should halt the movement entirely

construct a flamethrower

this isn't a depression or suicide thing I'm just a bored psychopath



ok thats step 1 now for the actual plan for shooting


So this isn't the first time, eventually one guy shitposted on Sup Forums while he was actually doing some killing, nowadays - for years now, really - all posts are filtered through a fed server to see if it contains anything interesting. Like the phrase "school shooting"
These days it's usually just some dipshit making edgy shitposts who gets his school shut down for a day and gets a doorknock from a swat team. Foreigners felt a little more confident at first but after the same happened wit some edgefags from yurop it kinda died down.

You've just joined a prestigious lineup of downers OP.

Reported to the feds. Sorry, kiddo.

dubs. op has to start by reporting himself

You must "kettle" your fellow students into a kill zone. you'll need to partner up to achieve this though. and I guess you have none hence the whole murdering kids thing..

dammit ya got me self reported while screaming black lives matter

>Bored psychopath
you spelled "edgy, world weary teenager" wrong. Find a hobby... I really recommend gardening.

Walk into school and brandish your weapon. Then, without shooting at anyone or anything, put the gun in your mouth, aim for the back of your throat, and let loose.

Fuck you


I have a hobby retarded shitposting

Enjoy getting v& you stupid idiot, don't you know how many other people have posted threads like this and gotten arrested? Enjoy tyrone's happy time in the showers