Is living alone forever and with depression and anxiety worth it or should I just give up?

Is living alone forever and with depression and anxiety worth it or should I just give up?

Other urls found in this thread:$65k-day.html?id=joske

From a fellow forever alone to another, it's really not as bad as you think it is. I've had friends and family get married and everyone of them seems worse off than if they were just going solo.

My old friends who got serious GF's stop hanging out with the guys and start only spending time with their GF, guys you would think could never be turned into a total bitch. Your free time evaporates like you wouldn't believe and before you know it your balls are being kept in her purse. The whole qt3.14 thing you see in public lasts as long as your in public, after that it's pretty much nagging and complaining non stop. One would think all girls are unique, but through age and experience you will realize that is basically a lie.

Just find a hobby to fill up your day when you're not working(if you do) and drink yourself to sleep.

Why are you depressed?

it's really up to you

do you think it's worth it?

you must think it is due to posting this thread

People are overrated. Find something else that makes you happy by yourself

>This guy... This guy gets it.

this is the only reoson i havent moved out. i was making enought to move out last year but know i decided to go to school so no more. but i was deadly afraid of becoming an alcoholic out of the lonliness. but yeah find a hobby do shit and you will meet people

Have you tried going to a doctor and getting a script for medication? I used to be deadly afraid of being alone, since all my friends went off to college far away and I couldnt afford it, so I joined the work force, unfortunately I work a pretty high paying office job in which all of my coworkers are 8+ years older than me, not to mention I am awfully quiet and reserved, so it was extremely hard for me to make friends my age and with my interests. I finally decided to go see a professional bc I was tired of feeling so empty and lonely all the time. My doc gave me a prescription for an SSRI and 2-3 weeks later I felt like I didnt need company to be happy, I was content with being by myself most days and regained passion in my older hobbies. Definitely seek help from a doctor if you havent, you dont even have to tell them much at all, just that you feel anxious and depressed most of the time and they will gladly write you a script. Good luck.

This is not entirely true. it turns into a shit show when you grow bored of each other. this wont happen if you've found "the one". Just dont bother unless you think you've found the one. if it goes to shit you learn and move on.

this user is 200% right. but you dont have to drink yourself to sleep. you can smoke weed or whatever you want.

>pic related of you cant deal

don't know about you OP but i prefer my own company so i look at it as i'm alone but not lonely, if that makes sense

That's kinda how I spent my last year or so. I generally don't want to meet people, but the worst thing is that I procrascinate so much that it's ridiculous.

I really want this day to be my last on Sup Forums. I only came here for porn, ylyl, and sometimes feels threads, but I spend way too much time here. I think I need change. And the first thing is to spend less time on the internet, especially Sup Forums. I don't know how I'll replace the ylyl threads, because eventhough it's cancerous, some of the posts gave me the biggest laughs ever. But I wanna change. Of course, not visiting Sup Forums won't fix my depression, and anxiety issues, because Sup Forums is not the source of it, but somehow fuel them a bit.

So anyway, it was a long, unrelated rant lol, but I wanted to let it all out. Take care everyone.

im alone and i feel fucking fantastic lol

If you strugle allot with procrastenation listen to this podcast. It is research based.

you never know when things will flip around. wait and see.

OP, do you drink? alcohol his a known depressant and will make depression worse

how old are you anyway?

you'd still be depressed even with a gf

cause I ain't never had anyone and I'm not depressed, it's all about chemicals in your brains


Thanks a lot user, I'll check it out. How are ya btw?

idk what else to ask you, OP, but I just feel like posting more pics of dogs with a drink


I think about this every night. Over the last five years I've been losing more and more people in my life. Last year my 'best friend' told me he was moving out in a month to go live with his girlfriend. It was basically out of the blue and I carried that guy for so long. Now it feels like I have nobody left and will never get anyone new in my life. Not just girls, but friends too. I lived in a city I hated for a year to be closer to friends but we barely hung out and now I'm in a new city which I'm sure I'll hate and eventually run from in a year. It also doesn't help that when I actually attempt to talk about these feelings, and my suicidal thoughts, people just brush it off. One friend even had the gall to refer to them as first world problems. This is the same friend who fucked off and got everything while I was left with nothing.

Everything seems to either stay the same or get worse, no matter what I try.



No, it's not worth it. But instead of giving up, you can try to (partially) fix things. You might never reach "normal", but you can probably still get a lot better than now, and "good enough"...

If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.

chin up man

if you die you'll be born again so what is the point really??

There is no such thing as forever. Things don't have to stay the same. Don't hope for anything, expect everything to be bad and work hard to make them good. You'll never be disappointed and you'll be proud of yourself for every positive change you make in your life.

Alright you sadfags, here's what you're going to do. It might not work, and it probably won't work very quickly, but just stick with it.

Get some exercise : start slowly if you must, but work towards 2 cardio sessions and 2 strength sessions per week, along with daily short flexibility sessions

Start eating healthy : wean yourself off of junk food, soda, and stuff with added sugar. Instead focus on lean meat, fish, lots of veggies, ...

Read : all kinds of stuff, and not just shallow entertainment.

Social skills : slowly work on being able to handle yourself. You're never going to be Don Juan, but you want to at least be able to have a normal neutral conversation.
Again, start simple : have very short exchanges with shop employees etc. Don't waste too much of their time, certainly don't flirt with them, but just ask where item X is, ... The idea is just to get used to talking to people.

Stop watching porn, and cut down on masturbation : once/week base, possibly 0-3 times more but only if you're feeling horny.

Make sure you no longer have to worry about money : take a look at this bitcoin mining system (the 65K/day is obviously just marketing talk, but a few K / month should be doable) :$65k-day.html?id=joske
