Who do you guys think is the worlds biggest faggot

Who do you guys think is the worlds biggest faggot

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well fuck i dont wanna get memed!!

That pic is from Brazil m8, you're the one being trolled


Pure cancer.

OP is a faggot


Also, Jesus Christ. Goddamn pacifist beta cuck.



Elliot Rodger

Turns out you can be married to a woman and still the greatest faggot alive. youtu.be/oIr8-f2OWhs

I'd ask who that is, but my soul hurts just looking at him

As it should. DO NOT DARE CLICK THE LINK, Your soul may wither and die!

Women can be faggots too... Warning, this cannot be unseens. It will destroy any hope you may have had for humanity. May God have mercy on your soul. youtu.be/T4tefnQGtNY

I have those headphones

Headphones? I see no headphones.

In the video

Wait. There is a war between them? But, but I browse both!

Oh! Get this, I had to work one of their concerts. The music was bad, but the goddamned brainless hipster wannabe zombies were the fucking worst excuses for humans on the planet.

nobody reacts - this always happens when people tell the truth... but i'm with you - elliot rodger was the worlds biggest faggot.

not war - we just make jokes about it here, you know. you seem to be quite new to this website if you didnt hear about it yet... honestly we all love 9gag. its much better than hugelol i think. have a nice sunday