If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs

If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs.


Peel 'n' eat shrimp with big goblets of cocktail since in all the cupholders.

I'd serve nice thick 'go 'za.

I don't think so.

bowl of 'chup


This. I monitor this board extremely closely and I've never seen it.

It looks pretty fresh to me.

MRE's from WWII

I love this post, because even if he didn't... it's not really a great post. It's talking about running a movie theater and serving crab legs plus tip, i'd have a penis inspector on duty only during singles night, that during couples night no need, but singles night i'd turn the showers off.


Little, bald vaginas.

good idea

Do I know you? You look awfully familiar.


Hey Crabman.


King crabs are not crabs.

The "Me" with the question mark afterwards is the most annoying part of this pasta.

>King crabs are not crabs

I like to bring a fresh deer liver with a side of Carmelized onions to the theatre

Here's one I gathered for finding dory

Only pizza.

I'd serve marvelfag tears and gal gadot's pussy