Unpopular opinion time boyos. I'll start

Unpopular opinion time boyos. I'll start.

I hate iDubbbz. I hate his content, I hate his "humor," I hate his better-than-you attitude. Can't stand him.

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Where is your chin?

log off calvin

I agree. I hate the fact that he calls out "drama channels" but that's exactly what his content is.
Same shit just a different flavour.

So, Just like Sup Forums.

why do you faggots consume so much gossip bullshit? leafy/kemstar/this guy/

Are you all just trying to fit in?

>unpopular opinion time

anyone who pays attention to these fucking faggot wars on youtube is a massive loser, all of the "content" these fags produce is cringe worthy and bad.

OP here. Not like I want to see it but they're fucking everywhere. For some reason iDubbbz gets a pass, though.

ITT: more unpopular opinions
>women are okay
>not that hard to take care of if you find the right one

You seem to take note of it all too faggot.
Fuck off with your "I'm too cool for drama though I seem to know most of the important names" mentality.

>inb4 I only know because I've seen the names pop up here and there.

Unpopular opinion but if I don't like someone's content I stop watching them instead of developing feelings of hatred for someone I've never met

>i clearly dont pay attention though
>just get mad that everyone else does
>which some could realisticly argue is me paying attention

Cuckholding is an elaborate hoax they no male actually enjoys. It's all troll to piss off normal men with their beta behavior

I hate John Oliver. The tedious little milquetoast is the blandest thing to come out of England since the ploughman's lunch. I have to assume his dumbass millennial fans are confusing him with Harry Potter based on his accent and glasses, because otherwise I can't see how such a cult of personality has formed around a man with so very little personality.

wut? Do you actually beleive this?

Jesus user take it easy. No need to roast the poor fuck alive

>mad because someone insulted his favorite video gaemer and "comedy star" on the internet

>I hate iDubbbz
WTF is iDubbbz?

Some asshole who makes fun of other assholes on the YouTubes.

you faggots spam these threads daily about which 14 year old is your favorite gamer comedian

yes, you are objectively a faggot for liking it

what're you fuckin' gay?

He treats max and joji and fat cunt like he's so much better and that their content is immature. But he forgets that without them he'd still be a 26 year old gay retard doing "unboxing" videos

britfag here
im glad you have to deal with the insufferable fuck instead of us

>keep james corden aswell

Ok, don't know anyone from Youtube.

Nah I was the user saying that I agree with op.


under rated post


I know for a fact that all the YT drama is arranged by the YTers themselves before it happens. They agree on what to say what the response is gonna be etc.
It gets all parties involved load of attention and views

this shit right here is why idubbz is so good. He gets mega autists like this super upset. Op is actually mad that idubbz is better than him so he thinks he thinks that way.

God Idubbz doesn't even have to try and the spergs get rustled. That is talent.

>he called me out
>obviously he's a huge fan of these minute of fame cucks.

Make sure to kill yourself and stay mad throughout

Thats not an opinion buddy, thats true

I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that he probably IS better than you.

that picture is so wholesome

Oh, that was nothing. Lemme tell you about someone I really hate: Margaret Cho. Now this doesn't really suit the thread, we're supposed to post unpopular opinions and Cho is about as popular as the Hebrew edition of Mein Kampf. But I utterly despise this woman.

She bitches about Asian stereotypes in the media when her entire career is founded on the kind of ethnic caricature that would embarrass Charlie Chan. Have you seen her Yellowface routine? She starts squinting--I have no idea what that accomplishes, she already had epicanthic folds, it doesn't make her look any more Korean--and adopts a dialect of pigeon English so broken it puts the "gook" in "gobbledegook". If she had tried to become a wrestler in the same era she became a comedian, the WCW would have told her to "tone down your Yellow Peril bullshit before you alienate middle America". I can't tell if she's pioneering a new brand of insult comedy that makes her entire heritage the subject of mockery or if she just lacks the self-awareness to pass a Turing test, but even when she's targeting herself it still feels like she's punching down. Her portrayal of her race makes Steppin' Fetchit look like Paul goddamn Mooney. And she has the nerve to bitch about Asian representations in the media? Fuck her.

You're both trash. Who the fuck is idubbs? Another YouTube "celeb"? Fuck is wrong with you lemmings watching these faggots

But he is better than you.

>be idubbbztv
>be gay retard/nigger faggot
>gain notoriety from other people's content
>begin to gain followers from making fun of youtubers for doing exactly what I'm doing
>start to forget the people that made me
>continue to use other people's content for my content
>male fun of myself so no one else can
>always righteous
>walk the dinosaur
>what we do here is go back-back-back-back

>they're fucking everywhere
No, not a single one of them has ever appeared in my youtube recommendations. You seem to be consuming shitty content that links to that even more shitty content.

Just a heads up, you guys seem to be a bunch of retarded little girls and I can already hear your generation criticizing other guy's clothes and makeup.

The funny thing is that you think you have a mind of your own.

And what do you do when you are eating food or something? Sit there like a fucking normie and eat your food? Watch some show because you take 45 fucking minutes to eat? Don't got that time mutherfuck, I take like 10 minute breaks between uni classes and watch idubbz shit on people while im eating lunch.

Bet you are just another sperg too.

"hey guys I'm not into something popular, have you seen me not being into this popular thing, I'm so different, I'm so mature"

Fuck you man. You're not any less cancerous than the "trash" you comment on.

t. 14 year old fanboy


thats three upset spergs when Idubbz isn't even trying. He must be growing stronger or something from shit like this.


If you don't agree you are simply underage, come back to us in 5 years and maybe you'll see that some humor ist just objectively trash.

this is the finest reply I've ever seen. This is fucking amazing. I have no response to something this good like how the fuck did you come up with this? Are you some kind of replying god? Did you predict this entire situation? Can you read my mind? How did you do this? Something must be done. This is ridiculous. You must be stopped.

Nah, jk this is one of the dumbest posts I've seen in a while.

>muh memes are threatened
>time to get salty and make some tldr trash

Same I also hate how he looks ND his voice and how his followers just go around saying "I have crippling depression" and "I'm gay" also sa me thing goes for filthy frank


Top post

>gets a frog posted at him
>gets upset that a frog was posted at him

That is a good way to earn yourself more frogs you cumsuck fuckface.

I'm have crippling gaypression

How is that an unpopular opinion? All I know about this guy is that everyone hates him.

A few suggestions:
> shorts from shows you've already watched
> workout tip videos
> food prep tip videos
> actually interesting stuff about your world, stuff you can learn, holy shit are you a woman or a man?

There, better content that almost never lasts more than 10 minutes.

SJWs are actually kind of interesting to listen to. Not because they make sense, it's just fun to hear what they have to say.


What the fuck is this gay ass normie shit? Do you understand you are on Sup Forums where only total faggots lurk and post? I want dumbass memes and people getting called names in the stuff I watch not mega dicksuck shit like what you posted.

Maybe you should go fucking kill urself u king cunt.

>he must be upset
>clearly I'm not just a joke to him
>he must be mad he just must be

I didn't realize you had to earn them. I thought they were as easy to find as a Google search. Oh wait they are. Tehehe

he's not a drama channel, he criticizes worthless other channels. and he made fun of one drama channel, killer memestar, which definitely needed it everyone can agree. I personally really enjoy his content and his humor. infinitely times better than leafy

>I'm the perfect example of a Sup Forumstard
>all I need is some Internet only racism and I'll be a modern one at that

Kingdom hearts series is a shit series

Both shows of Avatar are fucking garbage and people give them way too much praise. But hey, autists need entertainment too.

Climate change is an issue, that none of us need to worry about. Let the future fags deal with it.

I hate Sup Forums.

>google search

Now you illegally steal frogs too. How far can you fucking fall you worthless piece of dick? I bet you don't even respect the name of harambe or even remember what he stood for.

>he's not a drama channel
>he only makes callout videos that start drama


tv sucks

>literally only has a few episodes about other youtubers and they are all labeled content cop

leafy you can stop posting u chinless chink.

He was a gorilla who was unjustly shot and killed after two 'parents' let their kid climb into the exhibit with the 600lb intelligent member of the ape family.

Dont even act like my dick isn't out right now boyo.

It sucks even more that you go on YT to watch the same content that airs on TV.

same oh my god

Hi there, newfriend. I suggest you explore other boards and realise Sup Forums is a calm community of anti-socials and the occasional retarded serial killer that posts his location.

We here at Sup Forums at not as exaggerated and 'edgy' as you have portrayed yourself here.

As we say, lurk more!

Happy posting.

Unpopular opinion:

YouTube is utter shit for anything other than listening to music. Why would I want to watch a video about something when I can read about something faster than listening someone talk, and without having to listen to all the fluff they put in videos

>muh excuses

Sounds like you're in denial. Which isn't just a river in Africa young man.

oh yeah i forgot to add that Friends was a great show


Having a handful of videos about drama doesn't make his channel a drama channel, pretty much every youtuber has drama vids


>listening to music from YouTube

If you want compressed bullshit quality music I guess you can use YouTube for it.

Who the hell watches TV anymore




Do you think youtube is just nothing but tutorials and guides or some shit

You didn't know his name before he was shot, fuck you. I was his usual zookeeper, it was my day off when my replacement shot him.
Harambe was my best friend.

>every YouTuber has drama vids

Yeah dude. Don't you remember when the game grumps called out some dude? Or when Markwhatever started shit with people?

I sure don't. Kek

get the fuck off of Sup Forums you twelvie

If you were an actual connoisseur, you'd appreciate music for its soul and not for its unhearable frequencies and loudness.

You are a fucking disgrace.

I hate him so much I don't even know who the fuck that is and I hate you for knowing

i like him.....

now if you really want to hate someone it should be Markiplier

in the video he basically just admits that due to the fact hes very famous in youtube they send a guy to control every aspect of his life... oh sorry his ''friend'' is doing it guess that makes it ok.

you tube must fear opinion.


Okay. Sorry I don't like listening to music through what sounds like a tin funnel. Kek

Hey, that's pretty good.

That might be the most hipster thing I've heard all year

Why would I hate him for that? He doesn't want to alienate fans or piss anyone off. We live in the age of butt hurt and he wants to not get stormed


me and him would sit in the garage as kids and play super hero together. And the last time we did he said I hope I'll be a super hero one day. I just said "You will harambe, you will."

He was family

you're a faggot if you watch jewtubers, i hate faggots that talk about youtube. i hate faggots that post normie garbage memes from youtube. i hate that the same edgy unfunny faggot kids that watch that bullshit migrated here. fuckers.

I use it when I want to listen to a song I don't have, and don't feel like buying

If it's not tutorials and guides it's just people talking and bitching

>why would i hate him for that
>We live in the age of butt hurt
>he wants to not get stormed

well i guess i change my mind then, free will being pushed aside and thought control being practiced is AOK just as long as we get content am i right guys...

That's clearly the point I was making. You little cunt.

Its his livelyhood. If suddenly he lost, let's say 200,000 subs and viewers. That's a dip in his paycheck, what he needs to pay rent, eat, live.

Id rather play it safe if my livelyhood was dependent on something as fickle as Internet users.

>If it's not tutorials and guides it's just people talking and bitching
Every possible genre of video exists on youtube, you've just judged your opinion on the narrow view you've had of it

(iDubbz,leafy,h3h3,drama alert,filthy frank,...)=mind pollution

what DO you like, Roasty McHatefuck?