Why do hipster faggots love generic poppy blues rock/garage rock so much

Why do hipster faggots love generic poppy blues rock/garage rock so much

It alls sounds the same. White Stripes, Wolfmother, Black Keys, etc.

And tasteless hipsters think it's hot shit.

I know this SJW type who thinks Jack White is one of the greatest artists of the 21st century and he also regards any music that is even slightly experimental or different as "too weird"

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maybe he just likes different things, user. you shouldn't throw temper tantrums over this. why not suggest better bands or artists instead?

>butthurt White Stripes fan

Go back to r/music you little twerp

Maybe if you'd spend time listening to what your friends like and shoving "experimental" stuff down their throats you wouldn't be so jaded as to call people hipster faggots and SJW types.

Theyre awesome get that black leather jacket on baby i dont know where well end up

what? how are any of those artists particular to hipsters? They're super popular
What does it have to do with SJWs?
nothing about your post makes any sense at all, including the picture and most likely your mom

fuck you, user for actually making me reply

it has nothing to do with SJWs but they're always a convenient boogieman for the contrarian

Because so many hipsters think this generic blues rock garbage is the best music ever.

You sound like you're 15

i've never heard it before = hipster. or its popular therefore its bad. OP on the other hand is just asshurt

you're not talking to hipsters. just a bunch of kids 10 years late to the hipster trend

thats outdated. hipsters are the ones pushing the pop = good meme atm
get with the times

>get with the times
I'd rather not

satisfies the urge/raw pleasure of hearing distorted riffs, but without sounding like metal or carrying any of the supposed negative cultural capital that listening to metal or 'dadrock' would bring.
it delivers something that you can get from other musics in a package that allows the listener to maintain their precious self image.


That makes sense. Thank you for being the only one to answer my question instead of shitposting.

But those bands, particularly Wolfmother, sound exactly like dadrock. If you didn't know they were from the 2000s you could easily think they were from the 70s.

nobody was really shitposting,op was just having a crisis over someone liking something that he doesn't like

that's exactly my point.

It's great that you can always find someone on the internet to confirm your prejudices.

Do you honestly think people hold dad rock in a negative light? Im in college and everyone loves dadrock, or at least has no problem with anyone who listens to it

Because they like it? We don't chastise you for your taste in music.

I mean, bands like White Stripes, Black Keys, Wolfmother, etc. are way better than most mainstream music that's out there.
It's not the best music ever but at least they're not listening to Pit Bull

>I mean
>I mean like
>Wolfmother and White Stripes are way better than most mainstream music
>I mean, it's not like you're listening to Pitbull haha
>you feel me bruh

Get out reddit. Shoo

SJW is an outdated term user, the new buzzword is nu-male

>hipster faggots
>White Stripes, Wolfmother, Black Keys, etc.
hipsters hate that shit. that's redditcore. hipsters listen to buttindie not buttrock, learn the difference faggot


This place needs to be purged.

based Mike

Is he our /one true guy/

black keys are unironically good you little doofus

Nah we are a tolerant people here, you can keep using those stupid words as much as you like.

Is anyone really saying white stripes is the best music ever or do they just like it

Not true. Their production dates them.