Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:





Charmander is one of my least liked gen1 pokés, Cyndaquil is pretty good, all gen2 starters are acceptable for me but I still prefer Chikorita.

I think we can agree you are the qt one


You got a problem with Torchic??


I need to pay more attention to the threads


Physically cannot eat enough without feeling like Im going to throw it all up.







Have you tried something like vegetable soup or simply toast with peanut butter?

It doesn't have to be some lavish meal with all the bells and whistles, you know.

o boi look @1 butthrut billy ovr hear LMFAO mayb if your're didn't tak so maney DIQKS UP YO'RE ASS u wuoldn't be so ASSAGRITATED u homo jizzjocky buttespelunker
NEWFLASH, KID: u r mad but hwo wuldn't be aftr bing shitrshocked & assblasted "oh no i gt str8 pooperpwnd so hrd im bleddin cum and i'm coming blud" - U [r a fagt lmao] your so asbroken ur kids, 20 yers l8er born with CBD (cronik butowned disese) o w8 ur not gona hav kidz cuz your love weeiner so much u FAGANGERY VIRGIN go gt laid kif kid lol how made do u have 2 b to even gt owned this hard ROFL holy crackers u r so analfurious ROFL "I ETA M OWN POO"- ur dad i cld cook a egg in ur but "I luv 23 lic d cum of ur dik" - u ur dad lieks men holy fuckign crackers "i wil hav secks wit bums" - ur mom olol and ur mon liks animals lmao XD "i luv gey porm"- u i put mu dik in ur faec n u lk it cuz u r mad gay " I M AUTIMST AND I LEK MEN"- u now tht i tytaly pwn3d u oit of ur mind ur hella analmad








Still here





Still here









Oh well, different tastes... uh I meant filthy plant starter!

No u







I get around it with more snacking on meal foods than big meals. Trying to constantly eat little things rather than eat a heap at once. High carb foods are good too, pasta more so than others.


No you! You are a super qt



cyndaquil for dayss

True, but I mght just get them separately. Granted it's30 dollars more, but I think it'll be worth it

I'm more of a console gamer. I do play games on my laptop, but because my laptop isnt a gaming laptop, there's very little I can play. I usually play castle crashers, Nekopara, or left for dead. I recently got league, but I haven't installed it, or made an account yet


Ah, I gotcha. I tried that when I was hurting for money and it works well, but it's nice to sit down and have a meal, rather than snacks all day.

Have an easy day at work man.



The more you kill us, the stronger we become.









I guess that would work out fine. Though Im talkung about Melbourne PAX being sold out.
Im not leaving home for another 45. And yeah, it is nice to do, but in a kitchen you dont really have the time.





my waifu is this discord










Big up you DnB heads!








It's amazing seeing all these tunes on Sup Forums





well, we shared a beer


We will return, stronger than ever.

You work at a college, right? Is there nothing else there worth eating?

We did, here's mine

Ah, well if you ever want to play something on steam sometime I'd be happy to!