Will Hillary lose as bad as McCain did in 2008, or worse?

Will Hillary lose as bad as McCain did in 2008, or worse?

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she'll probably win, sadly.

it's already done. she won. and with almost that exact map (blue), except she won't win Arizona, Ohio, Iowa or Missouri. Otherwise it's exactly correct which is a huge win.

pick one

How the fuck is Texas a toss up?

Texas is usually R +25. It's only polling for at Trump +7. I don't think Hillary can take it but with a +/-3 margin of error, Texas is a lot closer than it's ever been.

winner will probably win ohio. it's been that way for 24/26 elections now. that being said, the times ohio was wrong, were both dems. fdr and kennedy.
no republican has won the general election without winning ohio since lincoln.

>trump's foreign policy

She'll lose pretty bad.

1) Dems are bussing in urban (black) votes for early totals that look good.
2) Too many regular Dems are upset with Hillary, not just for Bernie but for lots of things. They won't vote Trump but they won't vote Hillary either.
3) Many Dems this year will not vote or are planning on writing in Bernie Sanders.

>Hillary will lose popular vote by 10%
>Bernie write-ins will end up being 5%
>Fanatical Trump supporters will turn out in droves

Really it's going to come down to which party is energized. Dems were super energized in 2008. Less so in 2012. This year they couldn't give less of a fuck.

Nobody even goes to Hillary rallies.

very low energy post


Oh hillary supporters.... so stupid.

>doesn't creative
>steals trump meme
Learn not to be a cuck.


I feel like half the Dems are so brainwashed by the lying, deceitful media that they won't even go out to vote, thinking Hillary will win in a landslide. I predict otherwise.

Obummer's own family won't even support hillary lol.

Its outrageous how terrible trump is. The fact that texas is a swing state? By god

Good luck Amerifags


actually they didn't... One individual kept pursuing it despite orders not to (proven innocent by a republican led committee once) and some senator took that as it was reopening the case. Thats why many places that reported it retracted their story and i believe the federal who was doing that was let go.

A swing state? Yeah fucking right lol.


anything is under 4% average i think is considered a swing state. even if historically one color


when was the last time it was so close in Texas?

You're wrong. It's open again.

+4.7% so by your "standard" not a swing state.


Doesn't matter texas isn't a toss up. Texas will vote red as they always do.

Probably rigged.

No, it isn't. At this point, they don't even know if the emails are relevant in any way and also don't even have a warrant to look at them. The fact that police exist in your city doesn't mean you're "under investigation."

Nice try faggot.

That's his entire campaign in a nutshell. Just a bunch of words. Lots of words. Because he has lots of them.

Weiner himself told the FBI they could look into them.


That's a felon

Hey faggot:

>How the fuck is Texas a toss up?
GOP picked a terrible candidate.

If Bush, Rubio, or Kasich, Clinton would have lost.

>That's a felon


lol are you delusional, Comey himself made the official memo that they were reopening the case

Hillary has already killed Huma, I'm waiting to see the "suicide" news.

You really don't understand the electoral process

ABC>bipartisanreport. Try harder fuck face.

>Comey himself probably violated the Hatch Act

Texan Here, Many people here will not forget Trumps comments over the Governor here and how shamelessly attacked on senior Republican across the state...

why do all of trumps fartbox tongue punchers remind me of dale gribble from king of the hill?

It would appear Sup Forums and Sup Forums are showing up for Trump's rallies.


So do you get paid ot when shit posting pro Killary bullshit on a Sunday?

no idea

lol my point exactly lol.

lol yes, everyone who says that conspiracy theories are just that get paid 40k a year. We got hooked because we didn't wear our tin foil hats.


What is this map supposed to be? It's not the 2008 map


Yes it is.

Hillary was already losing BEFORE the FBI decided to grow balls. Now she is going to get blown the fuck out. CTR shills soon to be unemployables.


Obama didn't win Missouri or Arizona, but he did win Indiana

think that shows popular vote, not electoral vote. People forget that their individual votes literally don't matter. We use an electoral college.

What? The winner of the popular vote in a state gets that state's electoral votes.

no, thats not how it works. Usually yes, those two fall in line together but not always. Delegates get the final say.

You clearly don't understand the American electoral process. Faithless electors are very rare, and there weren't any in 2008. That map doesn't even have a winner assigned in Rhode Island

This may not be obvious to you, but we vote on November 8th - the votes really can't be counted until then.

pic unrelated

>those two fall in line together but not always. Delegates get the final say.
when have we had an election in which the electors voted differently from their states' popular vote such that it affected the outcome of the election?

>hint: it's never

rare yes, but still they have the final say. There were some in 2008. Ron Paul actually won a state I believe in 2012. Just because it usually falls in line doesn't mean its rule. You said rare pointing out that yes, they can go against popular. They have the final say.

sweet how he did that without hitting the ctr

Us fags tell me is trump gonna win?

Except that she isn't eligible to hold office...

You're confusing the primaries and the presidential election. Ron Paul has never come close to winning a state in the general-- he didn't even run in 2012

Fairless electors have never changes the outcome of an election. You would have to vote against your party to do that. Why would they?

Worse, way worse since he didn't end up going to jail after losing.

Why do people still assume that Hillary is going to win?

The reopening of the email case is a serious hit on her base. Trump managed to close ABC's 12 point gap in less than a fucking week, something that is borderline unprecedented.

If this election has established anything, it's that polling is wildly out of touch with the American public.

How so?

>FL, OH, MO, IA, NV, AZ, IL, VA being blue

lol i hate her but she is literally the most qualified candidate in history.

>Delegates get the final say
they're called electors, not delegates.

US voters elect electors, and electors cast votes for the president.

no US presidential election has ever been decided by electors going against the vote.

Missouri 2008
Obama 1,441,911 (49.29%)
>McCain 1,445,814 (49.43%)

Obama 1,034,707 (45.12%)
>McCain 1,230,111 (53.64%)

>Obama 1,374,039 (49.95)%
McCain 1,345,648 (48.91)%

>polling out of touch
> used to support argument.

Pick one.

>actually they didn't... One individual kept pursuing it despite orders not to (proven innocent by a republican led committee once) and some senator took that as it was reopening the case. Thats why many places that reported it retracted their story and i believe the federal who was doing that was let go.

have you read the FBI report? It explicitly says her handling of the materials given to her violated the law, but because of extenuating circumstances (ie she's a clinton running for the whitehouse, and there's little evidence she broke the law with intent to violate the integrity of the data) that charges should not be filed. Also if the additional emails found can be shown to be part of the 33k deleted, she very clearly obstructed justice, and the normal american would be jailed for that, but again a clinton running for president isnt treated like a normal american.


I'll pick both.

If something is skewed in a particular direction, it's not hypocritical to recognize the stark implications of it leaning the opposite way.

Even lies have hidden truths. Now stop acting like a fucking child and read between the lines for once in your life.

let's hopes so, it's about time this facade the media plays backfires on them.

Because it's illegal for her to be president according to facts admitted by the FBI and in accordance with U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2017

Michelle Obama gave a whole speech saying to vote for Clinton.

You were saying something?

A. a warrant was secured
B. they do not actually need a warrant in this case

C. this was a letter sent to all of the initial committee members, because that's who you would send this kind of thing to. hillary wanted to make that sound like a partition move to try and make it sound less reliable

>most qualified in history
>most corrupt in history

Pick one and only one

You mean 2071



Both are shit but trump is worse. Kthxbai

not sure if trolling or completely retarded

Trump is Skankhunt42. I can prove it.

typical CTR podt
>get better guys

I meant 2071, you're right.


They base their argument behind the fact that Hillary wasn't found guilty, AKA being indicted. But it's a known fact that it happened, so even if she got elected she will be impeached according to said code anyway. However, she probably will not win considering she's tanking hard this close to election day.

>calls others stupid
>posts meme made by 3 year old esl student

b but m muh nate

muh 538

muh special sauce aggragated poll site

It's up another 2 points from this morning.

Additionally, Nate Silver's methods are consistently skewed against Trump, and he's had to "reskew" them multiple times when Trump has gotten a moderate lead on Hillary.

>this is 2016 with different candidates retard 2008 is irrelevant
