1.- You're cunt

1.- You're cunt

2.- You're honest opinion on Galicia and its people

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El gallego

no bully ples ;_;



1. Flag
2. I can't say, maybe I have a positive opinion, maybe not...

You fuckers kept breaking away from my Umayaad dynasty during my Muslim conquest of the UK. Then became part of the Abassid dynasty who are my allies and stronger so I can't take you cunts back.

In other words, outside of crusader kings 2 I do not give a single shit about your province or its people.

Muh heritage, my family comes from A Coruna
Am I Galician now

if you told me it's a city I'd believe you

This can't be real
Russia into boys now


What does Galicia have to do with Russia?

+La comida
-Cobardes,maricones y gente incompetente por naturaleza
-Mierda de gato por todas partes
-Gente que responde con una pregunta

1. Flag
2. Have some friends over there, pretty chill people desu.

the ones I've had to deal with were pretty decent people. Still, they are imcompreensible unless they speak slowly or are aware the other side does not speak galego

traditionaly they used to be seen like the people from our hinterlands: hardworking, simple people. in portuguese "ser galego" means working hard without any kind of reward (i.e a slave)

2.We need independence desu

>2.We need independence desu
>Poor backwards region that relies on goverment subsudies
>Half of the Galician economy relies on goverment handouts to unproductive companies

Doesn't matter

We'll ask portugal for moneys

Fake Celts

>We'll ask portugal for moneys
Portugal is poorer than Andalucia

how much is lane per acre? is the soil good?

We'll ask the brits

We can always go full kosovo and become an american colony

It'll still be better than being part of Asspain

you'll go bankrupt before greece does (and they already are)

just keep on sucking castillian shekels while it lasts

>not poland

But my suebi brother, they're destroying our language!
We need to stop this!

Porque hay tantos chistes de gallegos en Latino América?
Yo ni sabia donde quedaba Galicia pero de pequeño ya oía chistes de gallegos.

De cualquier forma. Por lo que veo en las fotos, parece un lugar agradable. Ademas, se supone que tengo ancestros gallegos o asturianos.

>is the soil good?

It's pretty shitty.

Según me han contado en alguna época llegaron muchos gallegos a Latino America y la mayoría eran campesinos o personas con poca educación, puedes imaginar el resto.


2.every country has shit people and a shit region for them

well, in that case it's do or die

>Porque hay tantos chistes de gallegos en Latino América?

Massive peasant galician emmigration. Most of them couldn't speak spanish properly despite coming from Spain so they were regarded as retards hence the jokes portraying them as such.

the castillian/spanish kings promoted the other regions to emigrate to the new world
that way they would never have the manpower to mount a serious revolt, they also did that to portugal during the iberian union (brazil was tiny before then), but like the catalans we had strong allies outside the peninsula and took our chances when they were down
galiza, asturias, leon, extremadura, etc all lost a lot of people to the new world

A maioría da emigración galega a América ocurriu no século XIX

Porque los castellanohablantes sois unos putos bulis

damn. does this seem cheap or guiri price?


hmmm, interesting.

>the castillian/spanish kings promoted the other regions to emigrate to the new world
>that way they would never have the manpower to mount a serious revolt, they also did that to portugal during the iberian union (brazil was tiny before then), but like the catalans we had strong allies outside the peninsula and took our chances when they were down
>galiza, asturias, leon, extremadura, etc all lost a lot of people to the new world
Lel this fucking ass conspiracy theory.Asturians,Galicians,Leonese,Anadaluces and Extremeños had been loyal to the crown for 300 years.Barely any Catalan or Aragonese was sent to America and they were the region with the highest chances to rebel.And developing colonies is something that benefited you.Portuguese are just incompetent as fuck and ruined our accomplishments

well, it's a shitty house

>Galicians had been loyal to the crown for three hundred years
Well you replaced every single galician-speaking noble for a Spanish speaking one.
It's hard to be rebelious when the only people that speak your language are peasants and priests

Chileno hablante*

>Well you replaced every single galician-speaking noble for a Spanish speaking one.
Galicia was conquered rightfully and losers don't keep their land.

Galician here.
Feels good man.

como? porquê?
seculo XIX foi quando começou a revolução industrial... exódo rural?

never said they were disloyal, just said the first hapsburgs did a lot of shitty stuff because they knew their position within spain was complicated

Also we wouldn't be as disruptive if you didn't hand our country to the church (same for the dutch, the """belgians""" were cucks anyway), we lost most of our intelegentsia (which was already in a bad shape after so many young aristocrats sying in al-kacer el-kibir) because of the purges. Nevermind we already had made our own purges some years before, nooo, you had to let the church persecute and kill most of the few natural scientists we had
The revolt of 1640 was because the church already was wreacking the nobility (no other group with power was left) and they took their chances, sold half the colonies (the ones worth it, in india) and took revenge on the clergy after independence


this one is sick

birthplace of Ukranian nazifascism, rightful Polish clay

Tenho un amigo que pensa que este canal é gracioso

you need to speak coruño to be a real coruñés, entiendes neno ?
>We need independence
we don't

Are you 65? Why would a brit move to a poorer and rainier place?

On where and it's who?
^ My opinion

A revolución industrial chegou moi tarde a galiza, e as cidades galegas non tiñan a capacidade de dar traballo a todos os campesiños desprazados

lol no i just want to homestead/have a farm and
can't afford to do it here apart from wales. is it really rainier than wales?

Sin embargo Ferrol e Vigo existen.
E o governo central segue a quemar cartos en Al-Andalus en vez de con nosco.

Portuguese people but slightly less lazy

awesome place, the north of portugal and galicia should both leave their respective shitholes and join forces together.

>is it really rainier than wales?

No, it's rainier than England though, so it's in the middle. If I were you I would chose Rías Baixas or somewhere close to area of Valdoviño/Doniños.

Most beautiful islands in Spain and probably top 5 in Europe

Galicia or Galizia? Who's the better?

yeah, and the water is cold like the north pole

no bulli

Galiza is the only right way


Galiza when speaking galician desu

why specifically there?

I wouldn't go to Galicia if you are looking for sun and good soil.I would recommend you places like Cuenca or Toledo that are closed to Madrid and have good and cheap land or Jaén if you are ok living far away from a big airport

near the cost theres usually less rain and the weather is "softened" by the proximity with the sea
Villagarcía is pretty good for that purpose


they have the best beaches and weather during summer, the area of Muxía is not bad either.

Que somos mariquitas ou que?


i've seen northern euros struggling to bath in a lanzada, just saying


É igual. Antigamente escrevia-se assim.



non me acordaba kek
iso que repugname a xente que di Orense en vez de Ourense
E como chamarlle a O Porto El Puerto

seems legit

>A dónde vas?
>A la coruña pasando por Orense

Aren't they like white Portuguese people?

north portuguese are basically galician
historically, Galicia was a little bigger than it is today, going further south than the Minho and further east into part of León and modern-day Asturias

I used to think that's where chicken came from as a kid.


>The kingdom of Galicia is the kingdom of Leon
This is one of the dumbest things I have evr heard.The kingdom of Galicia lasted 6 years, lost to Castile pathetically and was just created so the king Ferdinand I of Leon could give a kingdom to his retarded son

>niño del águila

What's the difference between Slovakia and Slovenia?

about the same betwen sorbia and serbia