Give me one reason why you are not doing a Keto Diet

Give me one reason why you are not doing a Keto Diet

Tip: you can't.

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I already am, I cut carbs and melted. I went from 284lbs to 228lbs since june. Here's my daily intake.

I lost 40kg on keto in 7 months, shit was cash.

Fuck bread tastes nice though so I fell off the wagon

isn't that too much protein? also what app is

Nope. It's fine. No issues period. It's just a screen shot, not an app.

Eating animals is wrong. Also, brother in law and his wife are doing keto and remain landwhales.

>Yes: diet soda
u srs?

143g fat 100g protein 25g carb

Eggs all day

This sounds hella homogay mang

what's wrong with diet soda brah. caffeine helps burning fats a lot.

wrong? why?

tastes like vomit and it's not any better for you than regular soda

Morons are probably doing it wrong. Not to mention you enter ketosis 7-30days from when you start.

The only soda you can have is diet on keto...The point is to remove sugar from your body.

and replace it with artificial sweetener? what the fuck kind of diet is that?

>it's not any better for you than regular soda
are u retarded? it has 0 carbs.

Do some research. Seriously.

I have, do enlighten me if you have some better info

You dense motherfucker

You even know how ketosis works?

>no legumes
>yes green beans
because it's retarded.

here's the real diet you should follow:

it's the single most proved diet in the world. largest study on the human diet ever performed came up with this conclusion.

>Milk: no
>Dairy: yes

Pls explain.

Yeah, you're a carnivore, dumb ass.

>excluding beans and legumes
>what the longest living groups of people mostly consume

Dumb ass.

Enjoy your lack of energy; keep coffee and caffeine in hand. Enjoy your heart disease and strokes. Dumb ass.

>pic related

I was on keto diet and didn't even know it. Lost 50lbs in about 3 months with no exercise. I have since put it back on gf got tired of cooking for multiple meals for me and rest of family. Also i never want to eat chicken again.

>sweet soda


The general consensus is the medical fraternity: processed, cured meats such as bacon cause cancer, especially colon and prostate cancer in men.

>Also i never want to eat chicken again.
You monster.

lack of energy? sure

yeah but i dont eat processed meat :)

Yeah, lack of energy, dumb ass. Humans preferred fuel source is carbohydrates, and the keto diet is seriously lacking in that. In fact, our brain runs on fucking glucose.

You're not carnivore, idiot. A keto diet is for real carnivores, not for humans.

12-18h complete digestion? Idk what snail metabolism u got but i shit my food out 6-10h after eating

What are you, some kind of hipster?

You prove yourself to be ignorant. You completely missed the point, and you don't understand what you're talking about.

>be mexican
>no corn and beans

it would be fucking impossible op.

brain can use ketone bodies as energy. also our body can turn protein into glucose.

eating fresh meat from meat store makes me hipster?

Butter and cheese is milk, i.e., dairy. Besides, intended for cows, not for humans. Enjoy your cancer.

>fried chicken

Oh, yeah, health foods there. Known to cause cancer.


Processed. Lacking nutrients. Clogs arteries. No nutritional value, and even if it has a slight value, the whole food the oil comes from has more. Another cancer causing, inflammation promoting food, assuming you can even call oil food.


Cholesterol bombs. General consensus: cholesterol is the main risk factor for strokes, heart disease, and aneurysms. Enjoy that pussy egg.

>lacking whole food, plant based carbs
>preferred fuel source for humans

>no brown rice, beans, and legumes

What the longest living people consume.


Is this b8?

No beans? :(

>brain can use ketone bodies as energy.

It can – you're right. But it's not the most efficient, preferred fuel source for humans. Whole plant-based carbs are.

>also our body can turn protein into glucose.


Yeah, and Jesus can turn water into wine.


Non-scholarly source. Try again. Ever written a university paper? And I said a university, not a community college.

cholesterol myths:

enjoy your diabetes faggot

Meat has has cholesterol, cholesterol clogs your arteries therefore slowing the blood flow to various parts of your body, including the penis, I ain't having no limp dick.

I said the general consensus. Only a few morons in the medical community agree with that shit article you provided – also not a scholarly source.

>enjoy your diabetes faggot

Meat, dairy, and eggs causes diabetes and raises glucose higher than table sugar, not whole food plant-based carbs.

Hence why people with type-2 diabetes reversed the disease on a whole foods plant-based diet.

Those are scholarly citations. Attend English 101 at your nearest community college, fucking moron.

This guy knows.

Most male humans who think they are "omnivores" will have ED in their futures.

do you know what gluconeogenesis is?
another myth:

This guy is destroying everyone is this thread.

>another myth:

You and your cronies are going against the majority in the medical community, moron, including a top heart and brain surgeon.



oh wow, but your wrong

Fuck off vegan faggot

stome samefagging you idiot

>2017 minus 2 months
>people still drink diet soda
so fucking bad for you. You would be way better off drinking regular soda and then going for a 10 or 20 minute jog

Isn't the point of a keto diet to actually make your body do work instead of being a lazy cunt?

Like... yeah, some of the chemical reactions are harder... but use um or lose um. Express your genes, guys.

well it is reasonable. aspartame is very bad for you, but the point of keto diet isn't drinking diet soda.

>only takes advice from pro-keto diet retards
>ignores actual scientific research

>bread, pasta, rice, beans, fruit, milk
You should be eating all of these things. All very important part of being well balanced and healthy. If youre fat and you want to be lose weight and get healthier, just cut the amount of sugary junk food, and exercise regularly and drink more water. Its simple unless you have some kind of vitamin or testosterone deficiency, in which case you should fix with a doctor then the rest will be doable.

I'm a diabetic and the keto diet is actually hazardous to my health.

so are treadmills, fatty.

No fucking yellow rice? No fruits? I'd die man

>healthy food

ITT: /fit/ faggots that have to do something retarded to feel special. Like cut out the carbs their brain and liver require to function.

How about just staying active?

It's not fucking rocket science.

Just replace fruit and grains with diet soda for your health.

>i talk shit about things i've never tried.

Everyone's different and it has it's ups and downs.

I haven't tried it because it's retarded and I don't need to because I start active and don't eat junk constantly.

Try bleach. That'll help you lose weight

>mfw more people die on treadmills than are killed by sharks

Fuck off vegan faggot

Looks to me like a weight loss diet. I need to gain weight not lose it.

>cant understand that cells need fuel to function
>carbs are literally your body's fuel
>not understanding 7th grade biology

Because I'm a fucking adult who can make his own choices in life and isn't a slave to whatever bullshit diet happens to be the current fad.

because i'm not retarded

i don't take the bait brah