A 14-year-old who was born a boy but diagnosed with gender identity disorder aged just three has told how difficult it...

>A 14-year-old who was born a boy but diagnosed with gender identity disorder aged just three has told how difficult it is to date despite her stunning looks.

>Jazz Jennings, from Florida, who does not want to reveal her birth name, opened up about liking boys but admitted the opposite sex won’t talk to her and some even call her ‘it'.

Why don't you man up and date someone like Jazz, Sup Forums?

this fag will an hero by 18 .. dubs confirms

I don't get it. Shes a female, why can't she find a boyfriend? literally spread your legs girl.

Kill yourself freak

She needs to date older men.


>stunning looks

I can't wait for summer to be over. Jesus Christ you kids are lame.

I'm confused, does she have a penis and tits?
Because I definitely would

>why won't men fuck me, someone who is also a man? it won't make them gay

Just gas me up senpai

well as long as the dick is feminine it's not gay. Maybe the boys saw her penis and thought it looked too manly.

(((birth name)))

>I can't wait for summer to be over

yeah maybe then you'll leave

Sup tumblr

Ok, real talk faggots:

How do we solve the transgender problem?


>stunning looks

Idk but I really don't want a guy going into women's restrooms because he identifies as a woman

People choose who they want to date the same way they choose their gender.

This. Young teen boys just aren't mature enough to handle the situation.


Wow. Good one.


would you want a woman going into the men's restroom if she identifies as a man?

Mods are back btw

Isn't it illegal to date a 14 year old regardless of gender? Or is there literally no age of consent for trannies?

Nigga, I go to the restroom to piss and shit and leave as soon as possible. I don't care who's in there.

women can go in mens bathrooms anyway

would bang

so you wouldn't care if a man goes into a woman's restroom if he identifies as a woman

Nah, women coming in to take a piss don't bother me, I've seen how ridiculous women's restrooms/waiting lines are, idc if they think they're men

knew this girl once who liked to go piss standing up in the men's restroom. nobody ever really minded.

What's going on with all this transgender awareness right now. People didn't thought about their gender constantly twenty years ago, why now. It's like it's the only thing they have to talk about.




why would anyone care?

>stunning looks

that's the weird thing about this, gender segregation of bathrooms was done for women, not men. Men don't give a shit. It's women who don't want men in their bathrooms.

this guy looks like a cunt

But it is gay
nigga you got a dick

>Men don't give a shit

>born a boy but diagnosed with gender identity disorder
I hate this civilization. This is why wars exist, nuclear deterrence was a mistake

>thinking a gay man and trap are the same thing
you bigots never cease to amaze me. There is nothing even remotely the same about a gay man having sex with another gay man, and a straight man having sex with a female transgendered.

she has a girl penis you intolerant fuck face

Anyone else think that drag queens are less repulsive than "transgendered" people? At least they seem to own up to their deviancy as a sexual kink.

I'd wreck his boipucci tbqh familio

Why do they find this reaction shocking?

sex between two people with XY chromosomes is always gay sex

drags and trannies don't get along
Trannies hate the shit outta drags

Also yes

They should just tell these people to come on Sup Forums, there's plenty of guys here that would bang him/her I totally would t.b.h.

Don't bring science into this. Unless it's psychology.

When your friends with someone then you find out they're a hipster faggot.

Are we missing the bigger problem here
>14 years old


I'm studying clinical psychology as a minor and I've written a few research papers on this topic.

Scientists who try to avoid transgender outcomes through therapy are actively disgraced, since it "implies that transgenderism is negative." Even though trans people are objectively more likely to be suicidal or have psychological comorbidity (have another mental illness at the same time). This is all explained away by "social rejection" on the fault of society.

Ken Zucker was a practicing therapist specializing in GIDC (GID in children). He's written over 100 journal articles, pretty much THE leader in the field. He lost his job because his "ideals didn't line up with modern thinking." Zucker provided therapy to hundreds of kids who turned out to be gay instead of trans, by making them as comfortable as possible in their own skin until they were old enough to provide reliable self-reported diagnoses. For this he was fired. Zucker was a hero, but his brand of common sense has been squashed by politics.

Pro tip: 80+% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria no longer meet the criteria in adulthood, and most of that group turn out to be gay, hence the abnormal behavioural expression

Why doesn't he just try to find a gay guy?

drags just do it for fun though

Or she was bigger than them.

Most people lose their virginity at 14.

Any later than 16 and you're a social outcast and/or wizard.

How does a three year old get diagnosed?

OK bruce

the tranny gets the trips

Imagine being so fragile that reality itself was an oppression. Considering; it shouldn't be too hard for her to harden up

26 year old kissless virgin reporting in

>mfw lost it at 17

She was probably looking at some female toys in a store and her parents were so progressive that they decided it was time to cut her dick off


Anything to keep you from realizing real problems.
>Should people be forced to use certain bathrooms because of the genitals they were born with? Let's spend the next 3 years devoting 90% of public discourse to that! Population? Nah, you're good. Water? There's shitloads of it how could that matter?

Yeah i'd cuddle him if he wasn't so fuck ugly.

No homo.

>diagnosed with gender identity disorder aged just three


>mfw lost it at 17 too
fuck. I was an outcast. Metal was a hell of a drug.

Now that those mentally retarded fags have stablished that sex is not gender, can we just remind them that sexual attraction is to sex and not to gender?

>She grabbed a barbie doll and not a truck!
>Parents load her up with estrogen

You are right.
It might sound hillarious, but we all date who we think are ok for us, react of certain thought person threats and who are accepted for us regarding society.

This actually makes me reee

It's literally politically incorrect to suggest that diagnosis be delayed until

The leader in his field lost his job because his therapy was focused on making kids comfortable in their own skin until reliable diagnoses could be made, since diagnoses made at age

Aren't metal girls easy to pick up though? I imagine they have a "fuck it" attitude when it comes to sex.

And I lost it to a girl that lost hers at 14

This desu
Keeps people from focusing on the real problems

would date Tbh

>age 3
So he was forced into it by his parents?

Theres literally not a single 3 year old that is gay trans or w.e that is absolutely rediculous, at most a kid compares what's between his legs with a girl and they are astounded by it

women do that a lot in pubs because they have fucklong waiting lines in theirs. Nobody really cares

>all those gays kids whose parents have completely fucked them up for life


>stunning looks
Love to see what it actually looks like

>genders are a social construct
>look at me I was born the wrong gender

Until puberty

I studied this pretty extensively for work purposes

Gender dysphoria exists and is very real, the problem is that it's extremely overdiagnosed in children because abnormal gender expression does not necessarily equate to abnormal gender identity. It's much more likely that a child who only socializes with the opposite sex is gay, rather than transgender

>Theres literally not a single 3 year old that is gay trans or w.e that is absolutely rediculous
There actually are, it's just impossibly difficult to diagnose accurately because 3 y/o's don't know what the fuck they're talking about, so they should never be "treated" at that age.

Sad. Here he's trying to help out a group of people in need of it only to be ostracized and shut out by some of them.

I dont get why this on tv though

He thinks he's a woman and he likes boys, so all boys are forced to like him? Has he even tried with the gay kids? A trans woman that identifies as a boy and likes "women"

He's not even a good looking as a girl, should every kissless teen girl (there are a lot) have a fucking tv show dedicated to them?

>mfw lost mine @ 8

lost it at 13 to a girl who was 14, going on 3 years since my last one-night stand. feels bad, at least im not a kiss-less virgin.

did your uncle go to jail?

I'm pretty sure boys didn't want to date that before it was transgender too, lol.

instead of giving a person with gender disphoria why not give them hormones for their actual sex?

Is there any actual established science to suggest gender identity disorder or whatever is a real biological thing?

I generally believe people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt others, so transgenders doing their thing doesn't bother me, as long as taxpayers aren't footing the bill for their surgery. But I've never really bought the idea that they're born in the wrong body, or whatever is being peddled right now.


can you imagine being one of those kids?

one day you're just doing stupid stuff like dressing up as a girl for fun and suddenly your parents are telling you you're actually a girl and give you female hormones making you look like a freak

one day you realise you're really fucked up because you parents wanted to BREAK GENDER NORMS

Been three years for me too, atleast im not a virgin, I have a friend who's 20, wears a fedora and is getting desperate

>impossibly difficult to diagnose bla bla
That's what I was trying to say, I'm not saying you become gay by your environment im saying you can't go up to a 3 year old and claim he's a dragonkin because he watched how to train your dragon and is playing in the backyard flapping his wings pretending to breathe fire


What exactly is gender dysphoria? Usually seems that when people change their gender it just means that they fall into gender stereotypes of being able to weardresses/makeup, grow facial hair/getting ripped,etc.

Not by some of them. The people who shut him own aren't trans or anything.