
Medifags... Stuck my finger in a whore asshole (to make it big enough for my cock) on Thursday and this thing appeared today, already tried to cut it and iron it out but it seems that it won't go, any Medifag or old fag that knows what to do with it? Thanks in advance

I had one of those on my thumb. That's almost definitely a wart, bro

inb4 aids.

You're legit gonna have to get your finger cut off op, that wart is way to deep

Take canned air flip upside down freeze it really good dip dick in rubbing alcohol probably fucked though get tested

Those little brown flecks in it are chunks of her poo.

She's now living as a part of you, this is essentially how people are cloned. Give it a few months and it will become sentient, then detach itself and retreat to a warm, damp place for 6 months or so to mature.

100% wart.

Enjoy your cauliflower cock, faggot.

Medfag here

Go get checked up for herpes

you are full of shit, they do not grow that fast, cause by a virus that you had long before you stuck you finger up your mom`s ass

its herpes hahaha dumbass

its probably a pretty serious infection. i would go to the doctor. they'll get a sample of the pus and give you some antibiotics. its mostly likely staff or strep. go in the next week or that shit could spread and theyll have to amputate your finger and shit

Kill yourself

that's a wart, it's very contagious and will spread quickly if u dont get it frozen

Could be herpetic whitlow (genital herpes that occurs on fingers) I'm not trolling you- google it

Could be a genital wart (HPV).

Is it filled with clear fluid? If so, more likely herpes.


how low do you go to get laid?

> Staph

>that chick's butthole gave me a planters wart.
Judging by the floor in the bg of the pic, this was a pic prior to it being removed. Fake and gay.

It's empty like a blister but it seems that it won't go away

dude, it's a wart.



Is it painful? Herpes is painful. Warts are painless

>The estimated incubation period from HPV infection to genital wart development is 2 weeks to 8 months, with the majority of genital warts appearing 2–3 months after an HPV infection (Oriel, 1971).

get this


Nobody going to mention the fact that his finger is the same size (or larger) as his dick?

You burned it smoking Satans cabbage
And as an amateur tv doctor, i would subscribe some good old Depakote for your want to be felt sorry for faggot emotional ass


Dude it's just a finger, I've fucked up mine multiple times and I still have all of them.

Now make a small house out of pieces for toast and post results
