Any advice on how to get into this game...

any advice on how to get into this game? I usually go through the first 10 turns with my warrior/settled city then alt+f4. when does it start get appealing? i know i made this thread on Sup Forums but Sup Forums is full of shitlords

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if you cant more than 10 turns intoa game, you arnt right for the game

You play the game. Sounds like you don't like it. So play something else. Or start in a later era than ancient so you have more stuff.

i never liked civ games, try EU4 maybe

civ games are just for neckbeards, dont be disappointed if you dont enjoy it.

you dont have to play it. you either like civ or you dont

i need a really comfy strategy game

so far i only found "Banished"

can someone help me? or is banished the way to go?

Civ looks kinda strange

Banished is amazing

Banished and civ are oranges and apples though

Can't rec anything as comfy as banished

If you don't like it, just get a Steam refund.

Some one seems salty, chieftain too hard for you?


This! Never was able to get into civ. Even got the one in space hoping that my love of science fiction get me through. Nope.

yeah it sure is nice
you should try that

Banish is good but really too easy, once you've reach a stable point, just fuck immigrant and the game will be ok forever.

i tried CK2 from Paradox hows EU4 compared to it?

Me either. I just couldn't immerse I think. Which is weird because I play and love the civ of baseball games OOTP

Careful ghandi can nuke you ;)

stellaris is pretty fucking shit
you settle a planet, build it the same way as all other planets, repeat.
War is stupid, diplomacy is retarded, over all it a 2/10 game.

Europa universalis 4
there ya go, grand strategy.
still has its flaws tho.

Whoever wrote the dialogue/script for the tutorial on Civ 6 is a fucking retard. I pirated the game and tried to learn how to play it but the tutorial is literally some dumb fucking airhead telling you "in order for us to become the best civilization we will need a big population!!!" 5 times over.

Just tell me the fucking controls and how turns work ffs. Had to quit after 5mins.

ck2: you play as a character and becomes the heir. Character in focus.
eu4: you play a nation and through policies and diplomacy/war you expand territory. Nation in focus.

try this
Help me with my kinderschokolade-face pls

vote for guwop

10 turns? do you even science?

honestly, i know the very lategame of civ can be boring and overloaded, but the early game is fucking awesome

explore the map, set a path on science, battle barbs, chose where to put cities, expand cities, meet other players, trade, if you dont like any of this well then fuck off playing civ, moron

what units should i start making at the start? warriors?

scouts and workers

military units are useless at the start unless you have to defend your city or want to attack a settlement. which you dont.

imo scouts > everything because exploring the map has priority

disabling move animation makes it go faster.

After ~25 years of civ games, the devs probably assumed the gaming population wasn't retarded.

Cultures 2

..Cultures 2

after 25 years and the only changes to the game being the gfx quality, the devs assumed you were a retard to buy into the civ franchise.

Level up your autism to level 50 or so and your ocd to level 30 or so. You should be able to enjoy it just fine.

*moving animation
You dumbfuck, go learn about grammar.

This game is fucking garbage started off as Rome after 3 turns some barbarian assholes run up with 15 horse units start raping my entire village fuck that game on prince difficulty too.

1. Try Civ4 with all expansions.
2. Forget the shitty 5 and 6
3. ???
4. Profit.

2/10 bait at best

yes enjoy your stacks of death

which is especially annoying since war was the primary win condition
also hex fields are scientifically proven to be better
and if you really want the nostalgia factor at least go back to civ 3

user, quit while you're ahead, if you can't figure Civ out then the tutorial isn't the problem.

Nah he's right, Civ IV is best Civ

black and white, stronghold HD, red alert (I think it's comfy)

This man speaks the truth.
Civ4 is still the greatest civ of them all. The graphics aren't as pretty, but it plays so smoothly, the AI isn't retarded, and its just super engrossing.
Nazi Jews anyone?
England a vassal of USA?
Every game is a delight to watch unfold.

Civ5 damaged the civilization series in ways it's yet to recover from. Civ6 is still a damaged product as a result. (1 unit per tile broke the series)

>(1 unit per tile broke the series)

Did you try the ANNO series? It's very comfy. You can disable the AI or set it to passive so all you do is build up some nice islands and care about trade.

Another candidate may be REUS. It's about managing the development of small settlements, very cartoony but the strategy has depth, even if you dont realize it at first.

When playing people, warriors and a good warrior civ will absolutely dominate civs. Most people dont defend cities too early, so i send out warriors to fuck them up from turn one

assuming the game is exactly the same as all previous versions, the only reason to play would be to play vs other like-minded retards. so yes. buy.

It's pretty old now but for me another comf strategy game is Caesar

It's not and no, most Civ games are played single player as comf games. I've only ever played Civ multiplayer as a lan game myself.

thank you.

Turn on the tutorial and do what it says.

Turn 1 press Alt+F4. Uninstall game. Install Civ IV.

Stacks of death, while hard for some people to understand, worked.

In civ5 they did 2 things that has broken the AI utterly.

Units became 1 unit per tile, which made navigating units around the map hard for the AI to manage.
1 unit would move, end its turn, and create a roadblock that would hold up the rest of the army.

Moving units around in civ5/6 has become a knightmare and super fucking tedious.

The other fuckup was they introduced ranged units.
No not only did the AI struggle to move units around, it now had to keep the right type in the right place ,without getting them trapped, and still hold an aggressive or defensive line.

The result was the abortion of a game that is civ5. where the AI's attacks are more a nuisance than a problem.
Civ6 makes this even worse with an AI that is just as bad at maneuvering and combat, but is utterly retarded in diplomacy, declaring war arbitrarily.

In short: civ4 rocked.
civ5 fucked things up
civ6 is still fucked up, but has much nicer makeup so a lot of people don't notice how ulgy it is underneath.

>Civ 5 endless stream of single file CPU army

forgot to add
You could understand what the AI thought of you in civ4.
I really couldn't give a flying fuck about them in civ6, they are as meaningful to me as a city state, just more interactive.

Civ4 my ai's were my best buds, or that guy i wanted to fuck over so much, but just not yet.

Civ4 really did build a narrative around your empire and your choices.

there is some truth in this post, but its burried under a huge pile of bullshit