No more Favre

>no more Favre
>no more Peyton
>soon to be no more Brady and Brees
>then Big Ben, Rivers, and Rodgers

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>we have Luck, Wilson, Newton, Tony Romo

Romo is 36 and will not play another game if he wants to walk past the age of 45

>That's the joke, autist.

Cutlel is high on the concussion count. He's no special talent but gives us memes

Eli is up there too

What's worse is that all we have left is a revolving door of meme QBs.

Where are the greats? What's happening to the game?

>Where are the greats? What's happening to the game?
Entering the dark age

Time will tell if Irsay is a fucking genius or a full on retard who pissed away millions on an average QB.

There's still potential for him. Seahawks will for sure go back to another Superbowl, but you still gotta contend with Green Bay, Arizona and Carolina. Won't be easy, but its not impossible.

Newton showed last season he chokes when everything is on the line. His shit performance at the Superbowl showed he has a lot of flaws in him.


I'm somewhat optimistic. Derek Carr has the potential to be great and might just make the Raiders relevant once again. Mariota and Bortles are also showing a lot of potential.

For the new rookies, Wentz is a wild card right now. He will struggle, both because he's raw and because the Eagles O-Line, WR's and RB's are shit. But he has shown he's very mobile, can make good passes and has great field vision. So we shall see.

Goff honestly looks like fucking shit. I'm not saying he's gonna be a bust, but he needs at least another year or two of development.

Lynch obviously isn't starting this year, but he showed a lot of promise in preseason. He's got a bright outlook.

Connor Cook got fucked big time by getting drafted by the Raiders, since Carr is already really good.

Hackenberg showed once again that the Jets are shit at drafting QB's

Luck, Newton, Wilson, Dalton, Bortles, Carr... the future does not look so bad.

QBs are overrated.

Denver won an Owl with half a QB last year.

embrace him now, while you still can

just give me one more year

You forgot cousins

>half a QB
Only if you include Osmemeler

Rivers and Big Ben will be gone way before Rodgers

This really was a good run for qb play. Sure, the rule changes helped pad stats, but there were so many good qbs that commanded the offense and could make the big throw to win the game

Rodgers isn't a spring chicken. Ben is a year and a half older, and Rivers two years older. Just seems younger because he waited behind Favre for a few years. Them three and Eli are basically the same generation.

I was prepared to stop caring about the NFL when Favre retired, but Cutler stepped in seamlessly as an entertaining as fuck QB
It's too bad the Bears are intentionally trying to lose at this point, because espn manufactured so much nonsensical hatred that they can just point at Cutty as a scapegoat

I intentionally left him out senpai

He's older but three years on the bench could mean an extra 1 or 2 seasons past normal retirement age. I don't even think he's been injured yet either

>no more brady

O-line has not been a problem for the Eagles, they've had injuries but it's been consistent even with young players

I think Rodgers could play until he's 40 if he wants. He's only 32. Only had one minor injury that I know of.

>soon to be no more Brady

Feels great man!

t. Dolphins fan

Rodgers has a lot more durability since he sat on the bench for three years. Rivers honestly looks done a lot of the time in the pocket these days, still got the arm but he's slow as fuck

>tfw Osweiler

Rivers has 14 kids to feed and counting, he'll be playing until he's 50.

Rodgers is on the Brady diet. He'll probably play till he's 45

Ree this man

Don't worry,Wentz is here.

my man joe cut is done after this season guaranteed, got an inside look about it.

my big nfl prediction this year is the cutty will go down and the bears will become the '99 rams: no name qb, electrifying offense, just the exact same team.

is flacco still elite

Never been elite. At best a B+ qb.

Rivers has always been slow as fuck desu. He has no running ability at all. Which is why its super important he has a good O-line

Mark my words . Wentz and Carr, will the most successful of young QBs in the next coming years

Pretty decent. Him and Goff got overhyped though.

Probably something about them being white compared to Winston and Mariota.

I am not looking forward to thinking about San Diego without Based Rivers. Especially with all these shit QBs coming out of college.

carr, sure. wentz?? fuck outta here, I need a season or 2 to determine that

Paxton Lynch looks promising desu.
He needs a few years of mentoring, but his physical skillset as a QB is very Big Ben like, only slightly more athletic.

The League is in good hands lads.

>No more Big Ben

Same here chargersbro. Rivers is going to go down as the best Chargers QB by the time he retires. Its going to take someone truly elite to unseat him. Definitely don't see any QB like that in college right now

Someone post Cam's hissy fit, please.

The difference between Newton's performance and Brady's against the Broncos was that Brady has Gronk. Without Gronk Brady would've been just as bad as Newton

Don't worry, OP.

There's hope.

>literally one example in the past decade

Ya, as long as you have the best defense in the NFL you don't need a QB

It'll be a step down for sure, but I think Wilson/Luck/Carr/Newton will end up being a decent top four once the oldies retire. No GOATs in there but good enough to entertain for sure.

Who's overrated as fuck and was crushed single handedly by K. Mack.

Manning was half dead but part of a QB is not just slinging the ball, it's controlling the tempo of play, which is what he did extremely well.

>All these people ignoring Matty Staff

A 28 year old former pro-bowler finally has an OC who's not a total dipshit. Lions are getting that playoff win this year and he'll be a top 5 QB. Mark my words.

>no megatron
Could be downhill from here

He lost Megatron but the receiving core overall has improved because there's actually depth now instead of just Calvin and a bunch of nobodies. There was a year where the second best receiver was Mike Furrey ffs

At the bar, chit-chatting with a bunch of fucking nobodies

peyton and favre have a more promising future as starting qb

>forgetting Blaine GOATbert

>it's another meme qb episode
Didn't we learn from Kaep? Meme qbs get a couple meme seasons then are shit once defenses adjust. Wilson is the meme outlier due to his passing efficiency which is a shade under Rodgers and above Romo

How dare u

What a shitty joke. Kys.

Yeah I really only recently realized how spoiled I've been on Quarterbacks.

I grew up in an era where I got to see literally several great quarterbacks, and one of them was the GOAT.

Soon we'll enter an era where we'll see average quarterbacks, not even one of them have even half the greatness that most quarterbacks I watched have.

>Rivers will never win an owl

Oh, I'm sorry!! Is his career over!?

>Everyone is still sleeping on Prescott

With a team like the chorgers, yes

shut up nigger, black qbs are a meme.

Not Brees?


>i-it's a m-meme guys. P-please trust me

try harder

I can see Brady winning the next 4 Super Bowls.

t. Broncos fan

>No Rodgers

thank God. Then hopefully Packers "Fans" will know what it's like to not have an Elite QB for 20 years straight

>implying Brett Hundley isn't the future

Ok Bears. Thats nice

Tyrod is going to to be elite. Cap it.

Would be good if Indianapolis could into an offensive line.

Rodgers surely is having a laugh wearing all these gay cowboy outfits? He's just feeding the trolls at this point right?

He wears them for the annual end of training camp dinner. Theres where all his questionable outfit photos are from

Rivers will go straight to coaching or TV once he's done

Flacco is still elite.

>t. Dolphins fan

NFL will be kill soon.

We lived in the era of GOATs.

Now our grandkids will only care about soccer.

I don't want these feels.