1. Prom Night
2. Lost
3. Chain Smoker
4. Same Drugs
5. Sunday Candy
6. Smoke Again
7. Juice
8. Brain Cells
9. Cocoa Butter Kisses
10. Mixtape
11. Nostalgia
12. Everybodys Something
13. Pusha Man
14. Hey Ma
15. All Night
also you're missing juice and acid rain on your list :)
>no everythings good
You fucked up op
Power ranking threads are always Sup Forums
Sup Forums has been dead for like 3 years now. It's time to move on
Fuck off faggot.
You have to be 18 to post here
>Everybodys Something
>No Angels
>No Family
>No Favorite Song
>No Ultralight Beam (don't tell me that's not a chance song)
4/10 absolutely pleb-tier taste
Go back to /r/hiphopheads you suburban white kid
I hope you get banned.
Chance is corny
juice is #7 though
he is missing everything's good, favorite song, and problem
not only is your taste terrible, you don't know how to make power rankings
>TFW you hated on TLoP when it first came out and then gave it an actual listen and its a solid 8/10
1. Prom Night
2. Hey Ma
3. Summer Friends
4. Pusha Man
5. All We Got
6. Sunday Candy
it's called good ass intro you filthy casuals
>Cocoa Butter Kisses not #1
>Favorite Song not even listed
>That's Love interlude not listed
Well, you tried.
It's Everything's Good (Good Ass OUTRO) you fucking pleb
That's Love is good and should be listed, but Favorite Song sucks so much that you should kill yourself for even bringing it up
>enjoying Donald Glover, even ironically
fuck, now I'm angry.
Daily reminder Lil Yachty > chance the hacker
> acid rain not #1