>still a handholdless kissless virgin

why would you want to hold someones hand?

zero benefits

>tfw kissed a girl when i was 10 so technically not kissless

>tfw kissed a girl, lost my virginity and got a gf in my 20's, thus becoming an inspiration and giving hope to my friends on Sup Forums

yeah but I hear aussies are slags

>tfw tall normie

this. i got it quickly over with at age 19 with my gf that i had for couple weeks lel. now i never have to care about this again, i'm not virgin and therefore immune from this kind of banter. suck it normies.

>not kissless, still a virgin, never gf

Think your on the wrong board mate

Apparently I fucked a girl at the weekend and I can't even remember, she went stop ringing and texring me now, looked her up on Facebook, she's for as fuck 8/10 but her Facebook posts are that of an attention seeking teenager (she is only 18 so I guess its to be expected) still, hit & quit aint no wifey there for me

where did you meet her?


>wasting high quality double dubs by lying on the internet

why dont you heem yourself my man

One of the clubs in my town apparently, I was wasted, can't remember shit

I can see hat you did there but it's really not hard to get girls round here, they're all slags


did you know her previously?

>not kissles, not handholdless, not virgin

got ED from too much porn tho

such is life

>tfw a few years ago I blacked in fingering some sloot in a booth at a bar

I know that feel, not everyone on here is a hopeless virgin

>I can see [w]hat you did there
normie maymay

you'll never be one of us friendo

>Apparently I fucked a girl at the weekend and I can't even remember
That's bullshit but I believe it. When I am so drunk that my memory goes I am definitely not in the condition to have sex. Maybe you are different.

>implying that isn't one of the oldest Sup Forums memes

where do you think all normie memes come from?

mfw lost my virginity when i was 11
i kind of regret it tbqh

This is me. I'm strong in the NoFap September though. Maybe I can turn my life around.

>implying it wasn't a bunch of teenage weirdos like me back in the day on there
>luckily some of us made it

What age was the girl?

12.. smdh

I remember vague bits, and some of the lads I was with told me what happened, but memory is blank for the most part

Alright Bruce

Weak genetics? Dunno never had a problem performing

You can put your trip back on 190kg