Is being a cuck a requirement to work at ESPN?
Is being a cuck a requirement to work at ESPN?
"Drew Brees is tier 1"
What did he mean by this?
Being a SJW is
smug cunt
Absolutely. It's jock culture gone awry, it's a PC-bro fraternity with a liberal tribal mindset that excludes any ideas outside their hivemind. Why do you think they hate Bill Simmons, who himself is very liberal and seems to check all the boxes? Because he doesn't fit their jock-bro progressive stereotype and actually attempted to have opinions that didn't match the hivemind.
What a shitty fucking channel and corporation. Working there would be a living hell.
Why do you think everyone is jumping ship to fox/nbc except niggers and women? Also ESPN is running out of money
FOX would be good but I wish their graphics were a bit better
ESPN has that Disney money, idk what you're talking about
Dum dum, the post
>this guy
ESPN//Disney dictates the topics they discuss, and the viewpoints/politics they will allow.
LeBatard has said as much. Kornheiser was visibly annoyed the other week about the proliferation of political topics.
Obviously this is not by coincidence. I hope it goes away after the election. ESPN has become unwatchable.
>Why do you think they hate Bill Simmons....
Simmons has become a political shill huckster on HBO. More so than he ever was on ESPN. Fuck that dude. DROPPED.
Based Whitlock is keeping it the realest right now.
Pretty much at this point.
Thanks (((Disney))).
ESPN's subscription numbers have been steadily declining for years.
How long until the panel on Around the Horn is a gay Latino male, an albino trans midget, a Native American Chief, and Lena Dunham all saying the same thing, because ya'know.....'diversity'?
what do you think?
Miss me yet?
Just like the bros you talk about sports with
So true. The ringer is fucking shit. He hasnt had money good guests on his podcasts since he left
I think his show/website are flopping. Serves him right, for disrespecting the audience to made him famous.
If it didn't used to be, it sure is now.
Kellerman is better than Skip and SAS, but he can't be honest if he wants to keep that job
I want to know why I'm supposed to take that Molly retard seriously, show is cancer
Listen senpai, Disney doesn't give a fuck about anything except the mouse.
If anything starts dragging the Disney name down, or stops giving more than taking from Mickey and friends, they drop it ASAP.
use more buzzwords retard
Doubt it. ESPN is probably doomed no matter what they do. People under 30 don't watch TV. They're not suddenly going to start. Every other commercial on ESPN already is AARP or Viagra.
Disney wants the election. That's the most important thing to them. I think they're willing to damage ESPN to do it.