If you are a Veteran, in the Military, or closely related to a Military member...

If you are a Veteran, in the Military, or closely related to a Military member, Why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help but the help was told to stand down.
If you are Gay, Why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in thousands of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed?
If you are Black, Why are you voting for Hillary when she admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood who want to abort as many black babies as possible? Exterminate the black race because they are like "weeds". (Margaret Sanger quote) Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
If you are a Christian, Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton when she wrote her Senior thesis on Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer (the Devil)? She says he was, and still is her mentor.
If you have a factory job, Why are you voting for Hillary when she supported TPP? Factory workers are being laid off because jobs are going over seas. Don't forget the deals she's made with china. She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits to be paid with Your tax money.
If you are poor, Why are you voting for Hillary, when she is supporting Wall street and all the big banks? Big banks keep poor people poor by destroying the poor man's credit by allowing medical bills and collections to affect your credit scores so you can pay higher interest rates than the rich; Taking much of the little money you earn.
If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bills rape victims under the rug, including that little girl that was raped? Lawyer Hillary defended the rapist, and then she laughed about it later, knowing that he was guilty.
If you carry a gun, or believe in the Constitution and second Amendment. How can you vote for Hillary when she wants to eliminate the NRA, Take your guns, and abolish the second Amendment?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you breathe, Why would you vote for Hillary when she and the Clinton crime family have left a trail of dead people that did not agree with her, or they knew too much?

People die. I don't dwell on tiny footnotes in history

Because that's a conspiracy theory

cause Trump is worse

Once the Saudis stop paying Hillary she stops paying you retard

They vote hillary because they cant think for themselves and have been brainwashed by the biased media and educational system

just wait will these assholes think the american flag is racist. Its coming.

The accuracy is 10/10. trump2k16 baby.


They vote hillary because they think mexicans are gonna be fine just taking our jobs and screwing up this beautiful country and if they are gonna bring there drug addict children who are probobly in a gang to the USA. Which is totally fine right? fuckin dumbasses

based on a lie. haha same people that you point to as proof that the russians are hacking us. kek

CTR team go to bed

>My name is op and I'm an idiot



In my experience people from the military are not very bright

fake and gay

feel the same about liberal college graduates

So cute when retards have an opinion
>Implying Trump isn't an Independent
>being so sure Trump is Republican

u wot m8?
>the truth gives me a heiney hurting

last time I checked he was running as a republican

I want to believe.

>0.02 roubles have been deposited in your Nimble America account

explain this


..and that's why you're retarded

Kek Sup Forums will believe anything in their current state of desperation.



How do you make Hillary Clinton win the elections?
Simple, put Donald Trump as the rival candidate.

fake and gay
what exactly is the source for that? you make it yourself?

The leading charity watch sites give the Clinton Foundation top marks while they don't even rate the trump "foundation" due to a lack of transparency.



Meanwhile at the trump foundation:



Shes getting funded by the middle east to open borders for an invasion. Americans are told to believe the lie and vote her in.
Trump is no better. But i would vote for him because hes dumb enough to do something stupid that will entertain us all

>It's funny because Obama wasn't president when 9/11 happened

>because hes dumb enough to do something stupid that will entertain us all
like bring about the end of the world
top kek

Oh no! Someone critizes Clinton on the internet

Let's insult Trump suporters!

Bad troll, worst shill

Everyone in the world claims for Trump, if Hillary wins, the NATO is finished

Damn the new emails got you lil cunts scared. The bitch is going to jail get over yourselves. Yall want to watch this country burn. What good will your whore leader for you. I bet you think everyone deserves a trophy, that we should help the ones that dont/wont help themselves. When you family is getting raped by dune coons dont cry to us.

>Everyone in the world claims for Trump
citation needed.

I think if you do any bit or research you find the opposite is true.

Settle down Francis. If you believe all that like a gullible tool, then you should be equally angry that Trump is running. Look at his track record of who he supported, what he supported in the last 40 years politically AND look at his behavior both personally and professionally. If you are an actual veteran, then you should be angry that someone who understands honor less than a child does is running against her.

Cute little Hill Shill got his feelies hurted
Is that you Peter?





But he did pussy out of the war. We should have scorched earth them fucks for what they did to us and to your country. Quit being afraid to make america great again


faggots dont have fam

Is there a poll about what the world thinks? I think not

Yet, France, Germany, Spain.. every day more and more people, press AND politicians claim to get out because of what Clinton has done in the middle east

There's not enought shekels to change reallity, shill

If trump was running as a democrat republitards would be all over that

Trying this hard on B when you should be trying to get Hillary out of prison
Run away little girl there's adults talking

Talk about pathetic

I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them

You ppl are going to destory this country. I hope she does win so that we can see that she was wrong. Nothing like having a savoir fall feom grace.





Republicans are fucking hypocrites.


It always amuses me that you faggots think CTR would waste their time and money on Sup Forums. Neckbearded faggots who won't leave their basements to vote and are a minuscule portion of the electorate to begin with.

For every post you do, all you make is to remember us this

I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them

Then why the fuck are you shilling so hard?
You lost already.
We won.





Easy. THIS.

Congrats on being a retard, OP. The GOP loves manipulating braindead shit like you.




You are not even trying

I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them

Early vote returns and polling say otherwise. Not even a legitimate bombshell from O'Keefe would matter at this point. Clinton voters are not going to change their minds. Neither are Trump supporters. It is what it is at this point.
I'm voting Stein, so I couldn't give a fuck. But you TrumpTards are in hardcore denial.

Go to bed ctr, you got Gender studies tommorow

I love this, it doesn't matter how hard to try, you are nothing but a joke, even for your own leaders

I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them

This is patently false. The Clinton Foundation has the HIGHEST ratings charities can have by all the independent, nonpartisan charity watching groups.

Eat a fucking cock, retard.

Why shoud the US not sell weapons? The Bush government did that all the time.

whats a ctr?

lol early vote returns
>Call the doctor we have a polititard genius on our hands

>if I say it enough times it'll be true

How does that prove anything? are you stupid?

Here's the deal Hilshills......
We don't care what Trump has done with his life or his money.
We DO care what Hillary has done to our life with our money.

>Faux News as source and Random news site no one knows about

Ok user, i believe you

Trump is literally retarded, he blatantly lies and his retarded supporters cheer for his retardation. Meanwhile we could have a Crime family we know (we know not to trust them) running the country again and at least we will be safer than if fucking tardo trump gets in and sets off every other country into breaking ties and going to war with us.

>be Jeb supporter


This is proof that NONE of you pathetic subhumans knows the first thing about Hillary's fake email scandal.

NOTHING WAS LEAKED, ASSHATS. Her server was never breached. It was the DNC's servers that were hacked.

Jesus Christ, how the fuck is it fair that MY educated, informed vote is worth the same as some piece of braindead shit like yours'?

Awww poor Clintard got beat on Sup Forums
>Comes to Sup Forums for trap porn
>triggered by Trump post

Because Trumps self serving ass has been there for YOU right? You honestly think he cares about this country? He thinks he knows more than our military leaders, he's a traitor and needs to be lynched.

>Repeating retarded over and over to show how smart you are

Yes, you are retarded

I can never vote for Trump because of his love for Putin.

you used retarted 3 times in one sentence. maybe try mixing it up? like autistic, downsy, ect.
Maybe people will take you more seriously instead of some 17 year old neck beard with mommy issues.

>We don't care
clearly, it's why no one takes you seriously

Maybe unquestioning oblivion isn't the best policy when considering a Presidential candidate.

Grow up, Snowflake.

Even if these were his fault, that didn't make what Clinton did acceptable.
Also, bush isn't running

because this.

If you can actually watch this video in it's entirety, then you will understand why so many of us are With Her. I wish you luck.

>Triggered Trump tard
I think you have an "R word" campaign to be running on reddit

Not an argument

Fuck the military leaders. The cycle of violence and bloodshed must end

At least he used it correctly. That's a LOT more than I can say for you RETARDS who call everything left of the fucking Nazis "Socialist".

>projecting this hard

Remember when Hilary okay the sale of uranium one to the Russians


They didn't do it to countries that support ISIS nor for bribes


Hillary as Secretary of State with her involvement in the Ukraine coup toppling an elected friend of Russia and talking about bringing Ukraine into NATO certainly got Putin angry and Russia has become much colder toward us and preparing bunkers for a nuke war.


Putin literally thinks he can troll America into being his puppet.

Actually I didn't use "retarted" three times, I used "retarded" twice and "retardation" once you retard.


Trump is a Republican. Bush is a Republican. Ergo, Republicans are hypocrites.