Why does she do this?

why does she do this?

I don't know why. She's always trying to expose anyone who talks to her

Football players need to realize there are other sluts out there who will keep everything private

Meme porn star. She's not even that hot.

Seems like a massive cunt 2bh

>"pornstar" has fucked blacks

Her dick sucking ability is lel

why should i fap to these porn star people anymore?
why are they so mean and rude and nasty?
not all but alot of them are. why do they have MASSIVE ego's?

She is an attention-seeking whore with unforgiving boob job scars.

Mommy issues for you. Daddy issues for the pornwhores.

She's getting revenge on the Chads who dissed her in high school

Most of them were abused by men and therefore hate them. So their anger and resentment come out kind of sideways.

>Chad Kelly

kek, that meme name

Who would even talk to her now?

This is like the 10th time she's "exposed" someone for talking to her

im done. i cant do this anymore. for years ive been watching porn, and it was great for a while, then twitter and facebook and instagram came out and you what these people are really like.

What's a "DM"?

Mia Khalifa is absolute shit tier desu
Anissa Kate is the superior Arab pornstar

Mia Khalifa is pretty but her stuff is immensely boring and her fake tits are horrendous

Can someone post what she said pls

>her fake tits are horrendous

They're hilarious, you can see the stitches around her areola, just awful.

Never trust a sandnigger

This, most confusing undeserved "popular" porn star in recent memory.

She's a legit terrible person. Next-gen porn "star" where some whore takes all the dick she can handle for a few months to become the "next big thing," amasses a big social media presence from beta orbiters, then "quits" the industry and becomes social media famous and tries to become a crossover Kardashian 2.0. At least pornstars who are "famous" still do their job, bitch is trying to become A-list but will never do it because once you take dick for money you can't.

Her boyfriend is an extreme beta ex-army c.uck too my sides

This, she blew up because she as a "brown" girl doing porn, there are way hotter arab types doing porn.

this lads. definition of meme star

she sets "honey traps" for thirsty athletes then screenshots them exposing them to the public for her own gain. even slag wags behavior in europe is more subtle than that

millennials are a disease, they all think they can be famous

Something about a weakness in sliding into girls out his leagues """""DM""""


I don't get it. Does she think she caught him being a sleazy asshole or something?

direct message

>she follows him
>he dms her thinking she wants his dick
>all an elaborate ruse

direct message. Or dungeon master. Depends on context

>two messages that take about 1 minute total to send
>lolol you should have spent more time practicing and less time going for me

really makes my neurons fire...

>girl who willingly gave herself to satan having any relevance.
Then again, the only reason she's famous is because of monkeys.

>porn star that thinks shes above a person with a real profession

Defensive Midfielder as well

What I don't get is that she actually thinks some shitty pornstar is out of the league of a college QB with a future in the NFL.

Mia Khalifa's DMs are like a fuckin Venus fly trap man how do people still fall for that shit. Even Drake got BTFO by her.

Lou Charmelle senpai

>criminoles fans

>DM's girls outta his league

What did she mean by this?

What is more alarming is so many people liked that tweet. wtf?

>got big playing the lebanese girl routine
>mia lelani is stuck going asian girl fetish videos

College athlete isn't a real profession. He need to go pro for him to count it as such.

>you will never DM a campaign for Pornstars

>Chad McNormie getting turned down by a chick who literally got paid to get fucked

Who needs a beta uprising when they'll just kill each other?

Does ISIS still wants to behead her? That video will make her famous.

Holy shit.

Can someone kill me? I really don't belong on this earth.

So a DM is just sending a normal text to someone? how do these people get each others numbers?

Jesus she needs to fuck off. She was hot in 1 porno, the Muslim mother one, and she was the ugliest girl in the video.

Exposing some dumb chad for sending you thirsty DM's is pathetic, but I guess she needs the attention after retiring or whatever the fuck she's doing now.

its like these 60's groupies
they have some hilarious sense of self importance

lisa ann previously was being a bitch to some famous dude just to appear superior to him
a cumdumpster being more important than an athlete, isn't it great to imagine?

meanwhile they get shat on by some arab/russian for some vile money with the fate of never having a quality relationship, with sane people or sane children either.

best thing that could happen to these shitbags is dying fast.

I'd usually feel sorry for them (like I feel for prostitutes/exploited women), but if you can't be nice to people or realize that there's something wrong with your life and you should treat yourself - as money is no problem for them -, then I don't feel bad at all.

but being a college athlete is a profession, chad certainly makes more money than mia does

No, it is direct messaging on twitter.

>porn """star""" being an attention whore
how is this news?

>8k RTs, 11k Favorites

she is a meme because she did like 6 videos then she retired and just makes attention whorey statements like this every few months

>Oh yeah haha your funny.
I cannot stop laughing at how pathetic that comes off.

also it's hilarious the amount of mexican/latinas/tanned whites that have hijabs put on them in pornos these days to cash in on the Mia Khalifa/thirsty sexually repressed Middle Eastern market. Basically anyone of vaguely brown descent will do.

Shes the Seahawks of porn

see what a plank tier chestlet in high school and had an ugly nose i bet she got bullyed hard

How does she make money now? Escorting?

why is she even well known?

I feel like I've seen this exact post before. It's true though.

Because of that one Bangbros scene in which she was wearing a hijab

You can make money from instagram and twitter. Probably advertizing and donations from nu-males

just fap to polish and czech girls that don't speak english and never develop a real stardom

Difference is:
1. She actually uses an Arabic name, and
2. She actually wore a hijab in a video.

>Does ISIS still wants to behead x?
Yes. The answer is always yes.

desu being a porn star is a shitty job. unless you own your own site you get no royalties from any videos and at most you get paid 1000 bucks a day.

Stripping can be decent cash but then you have to live out of a suitcase traveling around

desu if i was a hot girl i would just cam whore

Porn sites get more hits than YouTube bruh.

We live in a world where drugs, alcohol, sex with strangers, lies, and all sorts of other nasty shit is accessible and rampant.

deal with it

>>Does ISIS still wants to behead x?
>Yes. The answer is always yes.


Like all pornstars nowadays she makes more money stripping.

its funny how she is a lebanese catholic and played a muslim. Its like Italians playing native americans in movies

Citation/examples needed. I've searched high and low and can't find anything that isn't amateur.

Snapchat whore seems to be better, since it's a little more private and your videos get deleted.

I, for one, am glad for the repressed middle eastern market. They're the morons spending dumb amounts of money on MFC for public shows

I don't care about the hijab bit or names, I just want to see middle eastern girls get fucked and there are plenty better than her out there.

That's actually pretty based

They have massive egos because they know how many people fap to them

>Mississippi education

It's only shitty because she's a lazy whore. Other stars put in the work and interact with there fans. I can at least respect that. Her hustle is that she shot like 12 videos and retired in THREE months.

She was a nobody, her ex-husband army c.uck exposed her on reddit a few months ago lel. She puts on a hajib has awful fake tits and makes a porno and explodes in popularity after the whole refugee shit was in the news.

Then she beartraps NFL players, rappers and whomever she can to try and boost her fame without doing the work. She's the definition of a talentless whore.

snapchat famous is stupid you can save videos without the person knowing

>Who would even talk to her now?

You're severely underestimating the stupidity and desperation of horny men.

>DRAKE got BTFO by her


I know you can save videos, but a lot of people don't. I'm just saying, I'd be a snapchat whore.

you can be one right now bb

So has mia khalifa done a strictly lesbian scene yet?

I don't even know what this is about but now she's an ex-porn star her job is literally being an attention whore. It's people like you, OP, who give her the attention.

Camwhoring makes more sense, even though you can record livestreams. As long as you produce shit regularly you will have betas donating money. The revenue for snap, and social media in general is poor. Even instagram sluts don't make as much as they pretend to. Because that's what they are, pretenders

lel'd inwardly

>College education qb
>Whore that takes nut on her face & became "Famous"
>Out of his league

Trump was right these brown people are cancer

>Wanting to fuck a porn star


>Meanwhile, Teanna Trump is still in jail

> drugs, alcohol, sex with strangers, lies, and all sorts of other nasty shit

Don't knock it till you try it bro

How? He's a man and she's a professional whore, if he's supposed to be ashamed then that means ashamed of interacting with filth which would be her
He should've said something instead of cowering

It's fucking hilarious how these guys talk to women.
you're getting laughed at in group chat with her mates.

>wanting to fuck a porn star

Theres some I wouldn't mind fucking

what for?

I'm pretty feminist and all that but I can't see how this is anything other than her being a cunt

Also she's a low tier pornstar

running drugs for the cartel

Isn't the dude like a college quarterback or something, he probably doesn't have to say anything to get girls wet so he doesnt try

She sounds like the new Kim Kardashian

Same m8

I have no problem with women wanting to be sex workers, shit should be legalized anyway. But she's a bad pornstar who just fake moans and lays there taking dick, and it's a cunt move to do to some college kid who is just trying to get laid.

All for what? "Muh loyalty to FSU?" She's not on the fucking team, she's trying to to what, take credit for them losing? She's trying to steal FSU's thunder. A whore is a whore

Is she in the biz still not that I care for her but I used to see her everywhere now I dont? Did she get her money and run?

Mader her own site IIRc