Depression humor

Depression humor

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Doesn't look like an SMG to me..



Sad snek


I want to die

What is stopping you? Morbid curiousity.




Holy fuck anons. These threads eat me up inside knowing how many people are going through this shit like this. Internet hugs and fist pounds for everyone.

Ew, spics.

Op here. I am a faggot.

Also thank you for caring.

>Ian McShane, an English actor, playing Al Swearengen, an English character




I mean he could pass as Machete's cousin


I'll grant you that. He is swarthy.



random useless fact (like me), mcshane was in death race and trejo was in death race 2

I don't get it

fucking kek



Is everything ok?

/jk , i don't care



thats the best

Remember zyzz

its a pretty common thing for celebrities because of how fans work. Even things like YT can deal with it because fans from the internet dont really know or understand you, they love your content but dont know you.
Normal people can feel this too. The moment when you realize your family only cares about you because of legal or social ramifications, knowing that they only see you as a burden when they really see you for what you are

Holy fuck user. That's perfect.

Forgot image because we're all faggots

Thanks that was actually explained well.


Damn you nearly had quads.


It feels nice to hear this at least once a year.





Is that the ghost of a depressed person who committed suicide?

no idea

I won't lie this actually kicked me in the feels a bit

Not same user but most are just either really depressed but holding on that life might give them a "break" one day, or they're too much of a pussy.

i filmed my depression

The whole wheel could be red and I'd still spin that shit

Not that user but if you re really depressed you re even too depressed to suicide. Most suicides happen when depression just lifts enough to make it possible. Spring for that matter is known as the time of year with the most suicides.

why is everyone so awkward

This fucking thread right now

Of course that nigger would



Pretty much me right now.





Yeah personally if I'm going to do it (and I have a feeling I might do one day) it'll be when I'm not at my lowest, but when I can calmly look around and decide I've had enough. I also have a bitching suicide drug binge I'd want to go on first.

right in the feels mang

I stopped trying because I kept surviving and I haven't found a reliable way to die yet. :D

You're one of the good ones.

Holy fucking kek

>or they're too much of a pussy.
For reals, even wasted as fuck and at my very lowest I couldnt find the guts to cut deep enough. Now I just have faggy emo scars forever instead. Joy.

sounds like my current relationship. We live together. I feel fucked.

I agree with your train of thought. Also, I think I would find a quiet patch of land, call 911 and report my suicide, put down plastic sheeting and hang/shoot myself. Leave something in my will to those first responders.

I might put down the plastic sheeting before I call.

I mean at least get rid of the body and climb out of the holen for starters.

What's going on with your gf user?

I liked this video.

I don't get this one.

Slit his wrists with a whisk?

No guns in my country (none legal anyway). Would have to go the hanging option I guess. Also I take very quick showers because I hate having to spend time taking care of this piece of shit body.

This sucker punched me in the feels.

Which ways have you tried? You don't have to answer if uncomfortable. Do you have a preferred method?

I think she's bipolar. Means, extreme mood shift. Gets suddenly pissed off by anything/everything. Those shift can happen anywhere, any time. Even in the most romantic moments.


That sucks. Is a clinical diagnosis/therapy an option?


I hope you find peace or a peaceful way out


Bi-polar mood shifts usually arent that sudden and can last for days or even longer. She may have BPD, which does have sudden mood changes.

Thanks, same to you brother.


The dank method is killing me. I should try the normie method.

Try it for awhile at least. Nothing to lose, can always go back to being dank after a few months.