Fuck you I liked it
Fuck you I liked it
But I'm allergic to bullshit.
One of my favourits, I must admit
WTF? I hate robots now!
List your other favorites so we can laugh at you some more.
2000s Will Smith made for some really Father/Son bonding comfy movies
A time before Jaden Smith tried to piggyback on his fathers career.
If you view it as a prequel to The Matrix it's much more enjoyable.
How close to second renaissance?
Blade Runner I guess is set right before the machine war.
I always view it as though second renaissance pretty much picks up where it ends.
Is the animatrix any good?
It was too cheap and predictable.
I-I liked it also my friend.
it's very hit and miss. it basically just explores the themes lightly touched on a little more deeply and provides greater detail for the entire setting.
some of the stories are boring as fuck, others are very shocking and compelling. if you enjoy sci-fi it's a must watch.
What would you do to fix the ending Sup Forums?
>Jason Statham has hair
>movie isn't fun
is this a good barometer with which to judge movies
better than the matrix sequels, but thats not saying much
I liked it quite a bit
this one too
Nothing, it was fine
Maybe cut out the very last bit where they find the settlement, just have her and the kid on the road hoping for the best
>Final Flight of the Osiris
>The Second Renaissance
>Kid's Story
>World Record
>A Detective Story
Overall pretty good. Watch before Reloaded for tie-ins.