Literally Sup Forums: the analyst

>literally Sup Forums: the analyst
>Sup Forums hates him

well with that mountain of evidence and bulletproof argument I must say I can't disgree

Really gets the old noggin firing.

>Le whiteyz iz rasic whitey
Nah bruh

People don't like it when a mirror is held up to them.


Wait, spee doesn't like Skip?

Dude is fucking hilarious. He's declined a bit from his prime years but he is still the best sport analyst in the world.

Now this made me ponder...


The black guys is even worse though. All he does is name drop and talk about how good of friends he is with players.

everyone loves his irl shitposting, the problem is all the SJW bullshit but I'm 90% sure that was merely ESPN foisting that upon him. he recently got left and has a new show on Fox, which I haven't seen/don't think has aired yet. so, it should be interesting to see if he changes his game up over there. he's obviously still going to troll people though.

Everyone know Kornheiser is the true face of Sup Forums

really generates inquisitive feelings within your cerebral cortex

Kornheiser is Sup Forums

Bayless is /reddit/

SAS is /tumblr/

Woody Page is Sup Forums

Skip looks like Satan. Is he Satan?

> he is STILL butthurt over being called a faggot by Skip 20 years agp


As a white man who makes a living criticizing black athletes to an audience containing lots of black people, he pretty much has to walk on egg shells on those kind of issues. One slip and he's done.

Sage Steele is /s/

>Le Golf with Obama man
>Sup Forums

>Kornheiser is Sup Forums

Skip makes a living giving athletes silly nicknames and being obnoxious about his contrarian beliefs. What's more Sup Forums than that?

based skip

There was a debate on his new FS1 show on Kaepernick. Check it out.

>I still hate Obama

Your grandchildren will be embarrassed by you


Wow no tho

>What's more Sup Forums than that?


... You really made me think now.

i look at this and it's all just 'cogito ergo sum', ya know?

transported my consciousness into a state of contemplative zen...

Nah senpai they hate blacks
More like Samantha ponder

This. The guy is making millions doing a sports TV show that airs on weekday mornings. I bet over half of the audience are unemployed blacks

What is Skip even doing these days?

His new show on Fox Sports aired today. It's pretty much the exact thing as First Take.


Except it doesn't have that cunt SAS

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

On Undisputed he is dressed like a supervillain.

>woody paige is Sup Forums


Sup Forums is so fucking bad at all times

easily the worst place to discuss sports

Sup Forums is skip bayless posting kornheisers face

reddit is joe buck or some other annoying fucking wet towel

Really stimulated my anus

A lot of people hate that faggot.

Not everyone agrees with your politics.

Get over it.


Sup Forums hates itself

this picture always makes me laugh


>le right side of history argument
>come on, it's the current year!

Evereyone knows Jim Rome is the face of Sup Forums but nobody wants to admit it because everyone hates him


WTF really makes (You) think

Truly fired up my neurons.

tru tho

Really gets those action potentials sparking along the cranial ion channels

>tfw sport analyst talk shows are not popular in your country

What did he mean by this.

really activated my acetylcholine receptors


wft I hate Sup Forums now