What are some professional athletes that are having it worse than you?

what are some professional athletes that are having it worse than you?

i'll start with >casillas

I've seen him twice down Poole highstreet and on both occasions I had to do a double take. Really fucking weird to see him like any other middle aged nutcase.


johnny fussball

Robert Enke

Who is that man?

Paul Gascoigne, pride of England

Paul JUSTcoigne

Poor man. Mental illness is depressing.

aaron rodgers

he might be having all those millions, but at least i'm comfortable with my sexuality and i can fuck my boyfriend peacefully every night of the week


Kill yourself queer

Child support is scary.

Who was that guy in Italy where his best friend and team-mate stole his wife and kids?

Maxi Lopez. The cucks name is Mauro icardi

full-kit wanker

>this guy is 49 years old and ended his career 12 years ago


please explain

>sweet bodega you got there, europoors.


really makes you think

pretty sure I don't get paid a grand to tweet about a vacuum.

No idea. Muhammad Ali and Cruyff have it better than me.