Sup, Sup Forums?

Sup, Sup Forums?

Ask a romanian anything

What is your favorite movie?

Suchi pula mae

I would say One flew over the cuckoos nest, but The matrix trilogy is a close candidate

what part of Romania are you from?

No you

Bucharest, capital city

Do you have a town rapist?

Each part of the city has a designated rapist

Au aflat parintii tai ca esti gay?

As a fellow Roamanian, do you think the rest of the world will ever see us as anything more than thieving gypsies?

Since I am Aryan and highly educated, pursuing a PhD, I would say yes.

what anime is your country from?

O intrebare la care orice ai răspunde e rău, ești un adevărat farseour.

Naruto because niggers

choose one but not both.
I am curently working as an analyst. people are very surprised when they find out im Romanian and im not a shitskin

That won't matter when i am their employer

Se zice farseur. De ce minti ca esti roman? Credeai ca nu te prind? Unde mai pui ca niciun roman nu face efortul sa scrie cu diacritice, mai ales pe Sup Forums.
Te-ai dat la fund bai american slinos, ai vrea tu sa fii din rasa-maestru romana.

That's Moldova you uncultured cunt.

Actually I am an AI.

Ardei ieși în pula mea

de ce stai la ora asta pe net?

Ai dreptate

Taci ca a dat tramvaiul peste ma-ta in timp ce tu te uitai la Te vreau langa mine si dadeai comanda la teleshopping pentru un robinet de agatat pe perete.

What is your doctorate thesis about, if I'm not being too rude?

you are not gypsies, i saw gypsy the look so much defferent than romanian