Peacock vs. Kluber
Astros vs GOAT INDIANS SWEEPERS Gamethread #0001
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Let's go Tribe!
Tomlin better start injecting steroid and stem cell milk shakes into his arm and get his shit together.
Injuns desu
Another fellow Windians hue?
This, yesterday didn't need to happen. Though Perci and Colon are looking nice
I'm kinda teamless. C-can I bandwagon the indians?
How do fellow Indians fans think they'll fare in the post-season? Didn't watch yesterdays game but it seemed like it was a fucking rout. I don't expect them to win the Eries, but I'd like them to make a deep run...
Join us
Kipnis already being based
No, you filthy Brazilians are too close to indians. We use their name and image because we killed them all, and we're proud of that.
Sure, huebro
As an Astros fan, I think the Indians will at least make it too the fifth game of the ALCS
Would love to snag a WC victory and meet y'all in October. If not, I'm rooting for the tribe the rest of the way.
Beats the cubes in the eries desu senpai
>tfw I'm like 1/64 indian
Come along, friend. Welcome to the most loyal sports city in the nation (Cubbies might be more for just baseball, but Cleveland until this summer was championshipless since before 65)
RJ posted the Cavs championship rings on his snapchat
So edgy.
if you're true Brazilian you should be way more than 1/64 injun.
>fucking rout
We played the bullpen all game. "Started" Clevinger and he was pulled in 2. All things considered they did pretty well
1/64 Indian
1/2 pain
1/1 reason to have a bullpen that's strained
Not actually. Among the white, italian population in the southeast, 1/64 is probably a lot. I might have more indian blood than I might think though, didn't do the math 2bh. We are a mess, ethnically speaking.
Looks like I'm the only strosbro in here tonight again. Feels lonely, man.
As long as you're the same guy from last night you're pretty cool. Shouldn't be too bad
JRam pls
I am, and thanks
Would love for this to happen. I have an uncle that is a huge cubs fan, nice guy overall (a little too prechy and holier than thou, at times), who didn't swear at all that went batshit and screamed and swore like crazy when the Steve Bartman incident happened.
>tfw it had everything to be a good start
>it wasn't
When are they gonna post on Sup Forums?
C'mon Klubes
Rasmus is such a piece of crap player on paper but he's actually pretty valuable irl.
Oh boy
Why did I bandwagon this team again?
zika is rotting your synapses away
This is all your fault. Pls leave.
This desu.
How does Kluber give up a dinger on an 0-2 count?
S-sumimasen deshita senpai
>mfw I look away for a minute and when I come back Marwin has done it again
Not bad
It's all right, being behind early only makes >us stronger
It's very rare.
>That's the first time Corey Kluber has allowed a HR on an 0-2 count since Sept. 1, 2014 (Victor Martinez)
Baequin pls
Just trying to figure out why Kluber would throw a change 0-2 when he's got one of the best curves in baseball. Just bury one.
Bobby Perez being based again
Berto is back btw
based bert
Hello friend, have a rare Altuve
Saved desu
Dang, that's a good one, my guy.
Why are the Astros so good against Kluberin' time? It's not fair
I see it's gonna be one of those starts for Kluber...
What the fuck is this pitching? I'm a /lifelong/ for not one hour and I already hate Kluber
But we love Hues
Justin Masterson pls go
Delete this post
Shit's so fucked up even the ESPN feed here died for a second or two, what the hell.
Coke blast at Kluber's!
I called this last night
More runs would be nice desu
I can't believe brad peacock is still on the team
Why can't hue FOX Sports be as comfy as the american one? For fucks sake.
RISP RIP so far this game
>tfw Premium with video and Hammy
>mfw actually signed MLB TV with the dollar being this fucking expensive,
no regrets
The last time I watched a Brazilian broadcast the announcer would say "IIIIII ELA DISSE ADEEEEUSS" on every Homerun and it annoyed me so bad I quit baseball for a week.
I'm thinking about getting it next season because the block on radios during game time and finding streams.
Can you buy a team-only package on that thing or just the full package?
That's very comfy
Kluber pls
>hating on based Romulo
Well, is it fair to hate every single Sportv announcer to balance things out?
You can get a single-team package for 85 USD a year. It's $110 for premium.
I kinda like his play by play, I just really hate that high pitched Homerun call that he does every single time.
Nice trips.
I might be doing that next season. Beats having to click dubious links on reddit to find a SD blurry stream. Thanks.
Get him in, Berto
Inb4 Berto dinger
God bless desu.
>5 more innings (max) of Astros playing Relief ball
This one is going to get close
Kill me.
Don't worry, >We are saving it for the dramatic 9th inning comeback.
I hate Australia now.
Was Altuve swatting a fly or taunting the pitcher just now?
Not impressed with the Cleveland tv broadcasters to be honest
Okay, time to stop stranding runners.
Yeah they're average to bad. Hammy on the radio is the best though.
A pitch to the face, wut
The Astros broadcasters on tv are mediocre at best. Their radio team is awful. I used to love Dave Raymond on the radio, but now he's working for the >rags tv team. It makes me a lil bit sad.
>bard pee cock
>no one gets on base
Oh joy.
I think I've seen that your TV guys are willing to use advanced stats so at least you have that.
Yeah, true. I just wish we had someone on tv that could make the game feel alive.
Aight windians fans, let's say we have a 1v1 fistfight between selected players from each team. I'll send out Gattis. Who you got?
Napoli, probably. Bert might be an option.
>get home and it's a starter implosion and not even trying offense episode
He's let up four and has 8 K's so far. This is his worst start in a long long while
Bruh, a Gattis vs Napoli fight would be brutal