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first for USA

TIL When Rick Nash auditioned for the role of forward in "Rangers" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the team got their paychecks, the first thing that Henrik Lundpads bought was a car. Rick Nash bought a hot meal.

>post one picture of mcdavid
>amerilards enter autistic rage of jealousy
hooly shit lmao

McDavid has already won more for his country than any american player in the last 40 years


Found a rare picture of McBust

Ovechkin is the best player in the league


meme shot isnt even top 20

You're right. He's too elite he's a step above the top

>if you rename your enemies, they win

>if you elect your enemies, you win

>expose mcmeme for the bust he is
>canarabs in full little boy defense mode

I thought they get really mad if you call them Daesh though so it's cool

>g-guys my shoulder h-hurts

Minnesota makes up 1.63% of the US population but more than 1/3 of the USA memecup roster.

really rubs the neurons

oh great, chubbs is here, let's see what delusions he can provide today

and we're gonna be shit

He actually sat on the bench until intermission

they won the world cup in 96

that's overblown, it's punished, but in the same way improper beards are

hey chubs can you hit me up with the source of that.
t. someone who doesnt hate you and kinda likes the mild

>tortellini as coach

>you now remember #bang

>meme tourneys
Hi Gary


of course a Canadian would know muslim rules

It counts
>2-1 with 5 minutes left Canadian lead in game 3
fucking lmao


Might as well count women's hockey while you're at it
amerifat hockey fans will do anything to feel relevant I guess


>tfw might be a roadie for my friends band when they play at a porn award show this year
i cant wait, the memes are going to be off the chart. why the fuck is porn so weird

96 world cup was the biggest tournament since 88 Canada cup

They had that game on the other day. it was such a fucking meme, I think shots were like canada 39 usa 18. Some pretty poor goaltending desu. Was funny how dead silent the crowd went

Gary please nobody gives a shit about your garbage cash grab tournaments

Autism Mathews will be the best player of the last 20 years guaranteed

If you knew how much I laughed at this

Can someone please identify these people for me

It is sweet pottery to have a cuck nation behind led by a cuck leader

hockey in 1 (one) day

is it already tomorrow in binlan?

Remember that time a trip to Alberta cost the kongs their chance to defend the cup

>prepping the bull all the way to the "white" house

Is that where justin goes on weekends?

So if Trump becomes president will the kongs fold due to all the fans being deported to Mexico


Yes, while Barack is praying to Mecca Trudeau fucks his wife
>being ruled by a nigger

probably not, apparently LA used to be a pretty nice city before the dems ruined it.

But trudeau is Muslim too, why would he skip prayer? Unless he believes that he'll win if he's beheaded


>tranadian and downs syndrome burger arguing again
i thought they both left /hoc/ was actually pleasant the last few threads

>thinking an underage highschool canarabian ever leaves

Barack prays for both of them. Congrats on being ruled by a Muslim nigger, even we have yet to do that.

Just wait for the meme cup to destroy /hoc/
Will Team NA be able to unite us?

seems like you, the underage american doesn't either

I'm a sport psychologist for a recent Stanley Cup-winning team. One of the players on the team I am employed for is actually a "high-functioning" "autist". It is sometimes important to know such things before we speak to the players individually.

Care to make any guesses?

Yes its a lovely warm 10 celsius september morning here in Finland.
Just took a shower and about to hop on my bicycle to get to work.
What a morning.
Thanks for asking

But even Muslims look down on gays, its like Mr meme is trying to be as degenerate as possible, I don't understand

Who would you rather have on your wing, Oshie or Kessel?

cindy crossbe

Your work starts at 5am?

is it a green woman's one-speed bicycle?

>Muslims look down on gays
Apparently not, look at Barack Hussein Obamas house

Oshie because he is 10x more nimble than Kessel and is actually an effective defender. Kessel may have a harder shot but Oshie is the better all-around player.

Trudeau would love that ;)

A Minnesota man confessed Tuesday to abducting and killing 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling nearly 27 years ago, recounting a crime that long haunted the state, and sharing chilling details that included a handcuffed Jacob asking him: "What did I do wrong?"

Danny Heinrich, 53, of Annandale, made the admission as he pleaded guilty to a federal child pornography charge that will likely keep him locked up for 20 years, with civil commitment possible after that, meaning he could spend the rest of his life in custody.

>stealing bulju's bike

you have to go back

(you) posted this last thread

You can't kill an 11-year-old 27 years ago that's mathematically impossible he would have to be at least 27.

5:15 and it takes an half an hour to bike.

Thanks for asking.

Not as much as Americans love being lead by a muslim nigger, apparently.

Trudeau loooves Muslims though :)

You can't even tell who that is.

What do you do pegga?


Not as much as Americans do, they elected a Muslim nigger twice

>this canautist damage control

>it doesn't matter who she is, what matter is her religion

You keep saying that like trudeau won't be reelected :)

he's pretty obsessed with obama for some reason. maybe he loves muslims too?


I work at a steel mill.

Thanks for the ama guys, gonna head out now.

You keep talking like you havent been ruled by a black Muslim for the last 8 years

have a good day jonne

I haven't talked like that at all though.
Don't you think Justin would love to be ruled by a BBC? ;)

No wonder Americans suck dick at hockey

go steelers


He's not an American, so probably not. Only Americans are big enough cucks to prep the bull into the "White" House

I'm sure he wishes he could be American though ;)


Nah I doubt he is a big enough cuck to be ruled by a black muslim, unlike yourself.

>not big enough
Trudeau is the biggest cuck of all, that's why he needs Obama's BBC to satisfy his wife ;)

Well lads its official. this was the worst offseason ever

I'm sorry, did Trudeau vote in a Muslim nigger for president?
Did you?

you can thank this kid for being such an autistic fuck and ruining every single thread

it has seriously been so agonizing

I did not
I'm sure Trudy would have encouraged everyone to vote for his big black bull ;)

>this complete inability of banter handling
Did you get so mad you sharted?

Are you saying your country didn't elect a Muslim nigger?

isn't it past your bedtime kid? wouldn't wanna be tired for highschool tomorrow