Did he grow the fro just to give him more credibility in the African American community even though he isn't black?
Muh national anthem
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>not black
He's practically Argentinian
explain how hes black
He's not but you people consider him black because of that nappy hair, your own fault
That's why Rodney Harrison had to apologize even though he's right that Kaep isn't black
post pic of fro nigger
> black parents abandon you
> adopted by white parents
> push you towards activities to benefit you cause they care.
> become pro athlete it 2 sports.
> hate white people.
> be part of the 1%.
> get criticized by black people for not being black enough.
> grow we wuz kings hair
> look like idiot
> hate America
> given all the privileges in the world.
> still want more
he's not complaining about his own position/lot in life
don't understand why so many people on here think he's complaining about himself. it's like you never actually read anything he's said
Achilles when did you become a nigger lover
Reminder he's done literally nothing wrong and even your own President agrees with him.
muh patriotism cuckolds can die in a fire. You don't get to pick and choose when free speech applies.
it's like all the people who were laughing and saying Charlie Hebdo was exercising freedoms when they had their funny drawings of Muhammad and then turned 180 on Hebdo when they had their Italian cartoons. freedom goes both ways
I have and it's all just a complete farce.
Blacks are pseudo-oppressed. Self-victimizing and blacks terrorizing each other does not qualify as oppression.
The government is not oppressing blacks. In fact it makes laws to give them a head start and they still fuck up.
Tldr fucking niggers man
What you just wrote is not what you wrote above which is what I was disputing
No one is saying we need to make a law to force him to stand. We are just saying he's sitting like a lazy nigger for no reason. Black communities are dysfunctional on all levels of their own accord. They just need an easy scape goat for why they can't figure it out and blaming police and racism is the easiest one.
>Not taking advantage of all these easily triggered new people
Step it up sempai
>hate white people
>hate America
disagreeing with something ≠ hating something
Literally yes. He's also a Nation of Islam fucking loser who should have no credibility but it's "racist" to criticize him.
He literally believes in Yakub and big headed African scientists creating the white race as an experiment.
He's a fucking brainwashed moron who became a total loser because he was that thirsty for some shitty activist pussy.
having a voice because you're in a position of power on something that has 0 effect on your life is the whitest thing you can do
If I was a nigger I'd wear an afro too tbqh
All the Blacks here just shave their hair short
Cuck and a Nigger simultaneously
you already know the answer to this
have a sage
>still bumps the thread
Why are Ausfailians such 3rd world dorks?
we are third world because we try to EMULate murrikkka
>your own President agrees with him
Obama is the one person in the country that could actually change things and he's done is made shit worse. His opinion is literally the last one anyone wants to hear.
>all he had to do was grow an afro and people take him seriously
I wish someone would call his fake ass out. He doesnt and never did give two shits about race. He saw his career about to end and figured good publicity.
This. All he would have to do is play up his biracial upbringing more, but identifying solely as black and taking the side of every single black movement is hurting everyone.
He's a guy that's so shitty he can't even beat out Blaine Gabbert, who was not only shitty himself, but alienated EVERYONE in Jacksonville for throwing people under the bus.
The $(ers were doing everything they can to get rid of him, because they didn't want to pay another year on his bloated contract. Nobody would bite. Kaep knew his time was numbered.
Now, they can't cut him any time soon or they'll look racist.
>you people
>multiple threads where you brag about wasting your life on here
pretty sad t.b.h.
>Craig noted that the number of shootings this Labor Day weekend was down slightly in comparison to last year's holiday weekend, which had 10 fatal shootings and 28 non-fatal ones.
>implying he has a plan
he has no idea what he's doing
Only in america would you try and argue that man isn't black
wait you I thought you do that over there too? I guess I can see that since there are so few blacks in england
black is not a color, it is a mindset
Eminem can try to prove that all he wants but that fucker is Brady bunch white
the national anthem is racist. read the unedited lyrics
not that it matters. the NFL is sowing the seeds of it's own destruction by not taking care of its own players. the fans will eventually boycott the NFL for not supporting medical MJ studies that will help prove that MJ protects neurons in the brain that would otherwise be broken apart from in game collisions. the writing has been on the wall for decades. people who are against legalization are just taking a piss.
if the NFL was interested in being a lucrative business, it would get with the times. instead it's becoming a part of the problem and is only going to garner negative attention in the near future.
>He literally believes in Yakub and big headed African scientists creating the white race as an experiment.
Doesn't sound too far from the truth. Replace the big headed niggers with extra terrestrials and they might be on to something.
I want to believe you but you send like a typical stoner that thinks Marijuana can do no wrong.
How are niggers getting paid millions oppressed?
Does this fucker give part of his bloated paycheck to actually oppressed people, the offensive linemen that keep him safe for peanuts?
All glory to da empire I've never lived in because I was raised by white people in Wisconsin.....I mean the federation
See Attached
He said he's donating his first million this year. That's not really making a dent on the 14 million he makes this year though.
source on what? the anthem being racist or mj helping CET patients?
latter half of the third verse
>hurr durr by my subjective value system, this number rating doesn't fit my anecdotal judgment
>identifying as black
he never said that
>lyrics mention hirelings and slaves
>therefore must be racist
He's one cynical motherfucker.
Its not talking about niggers when it says hirelings and slaves you idiots.
what Italian cartoons? what's this about??
it celebrates the deaths of slaves. in the war of 1812, the british were recruiting africans and telling them they would not be returned to their masters/owners
Can he even wear a football helmet with that
holy shit. racism has many forms other than simply using slurs.
just take back texas and shut the fuck up.
I think BLM is lame and I know all about the racial crime statistics in your country -- but do you really think there isn't a problem with racism and American police?
>celebrating the deaths of those opposing you in war is racist because they are black
If there is a word in English that has lost all meaning, it's the word racism/racist.
some /r/atheism fag getting booty blasted that charlie hebro ruined its goodwill by mocking the italian earthquake
why do you think he hates America? I've never heard him say anything like that.
Got source?
I'm on vacation in Mexico, and I'm from Texas kek.
>communities living in poverty are dysfunctional
fixed it for you.
keep ignoring the use of meth and heroin in white communities, lower class or otherwise.
Racism is a problem where ever it exists but to blame the cops for crime statistics instead of realizing that they are reacting to crime statistics is mental. There are racist cops just like there are racist anybodys but the departments themselves are not some bastion of racist thought, belief and practice.
it's racist.
oh and by the way, all confederate flags are racist as well. the declarations of secession of the confederate states? yeah almost all of them cite slavery, slave-holding states, and white supremacy.
fuck your union flag too.
but so is Daniel Cormier.
I'd sympathize with him if I wasn't 100% sure this is all a ploy to get more attention since he's not a starter anymore.
I didn't see him giving two shits about the African American community when he was on top of the world.
>the departments themselves are not some bastion of racist thought
Acting civilized isn't just a white trait.
>it's racist because I say it's racist
Typical response on the subject. The rest of what you wrote is a red herring.
>How are niggers getting paid millions oppressed?
how do you not understand that having money has nothing to do with being oppressed?
I never understood why your schools stopped teaching critical thinking, when I see this kind of "logic" I weep for your country.
It refers to the German hirelings and the "slaves" that taken and put into service by the British Navy
ha ha
Italy had an earthquake?
who could tell?
Why not Eritrea or Somalia or Saudi Arabia or somewhere nicer?
He's oversignalling to compensate for his melanin deficiency.
Looks pretty fucking black to me.
>If there is a word in English that has lost all meaning, it's the word racism/racist.
really makes you think
Name one proven adverse effect of non-combusted (burned/smoked) cannabis usage
Mexico is great, buddy.
>check all three sources, they talk about the politics and economics of prisons and arrest quotas
This is a problem that affects poor people not just black poor people. The constant deflection that every poor issue is a race issue is itself racist because it ignores white people that get dumped on by the same politics and economics.
Money is the most powerful form of privilege in our country (and most every country at most points in history), which is itself antithetical to oppression.
and there's the rub.
white culture is so complacent that they'd rather not look at a marxist critique. they'd rather yeehaw and listen to country, talk about military protectin' freedoms and other nonsense platitudes.
>someone has wealth
>therefore they can't say other people, by not having money, aren't oppressed
>rich people are not allowed to stand up for people who are not rich
genetic fallacy
>words have no meaning
rich people are allowed to stand up for people who are not rich..... by giving away their money.
sitting down during an anthem hardly fits the definition of "standing up" for the poor.
>white culture
There's no such thing as "white culture" in the United States, nor is there any such thing as "black culture." One's race does not determine what culture they choose to follow. A suburban black kid who goes to a private school likely has less understanding of "street" or "hip-hop" culture than some white kid living in the ghetto.
Yeehaw, country music, rodeo and muh military aren't some unified "white culture" any more than gang violence, drugs, hip-hop and rims represent a unified "black culture." To divide those cultures by race is also racist since it directly conflates stereotypes in those cultures with a person's racial makeup.
>someone has wealth
>therefore they can't say other people, by not having money, aren't oppressed
The fuck does that have to do with what I said? A rich person can and should stand up for the oppressed in society, what they shouldn't do is claim ownership of said oppression. One cannot be rich and claim that they are oppressed by poverty, it's fucking antithetical.
he is giving away 1 million dollars. Thats about 1/11th of his nfl salary. Why dont u go ahead and donate 1/11th of ur salary or are u a neet on autisim bucks fag
tell me how if the imaginary 19 hijackers were white that we would have invaded europe and australia.
>what they shouldn't do is claim ownership of said oppression
strawman argument. he never said he was oppressed. he never said he was oppressed by poverty.
>words have no meaning
Words do have meaning, until they are repurposed for the explicit intent to shift goalposts and beg the question.
Bullshit! The one making the claim has a burden of proof and an assertion without evidence isn't an argument, it's just an assertion. Ruling overturned by the booth. Lrn to argument.
No u. I didn't say shit about Kapernick, I replied to the assertion that money has nothing to do with whether someone is oppressed or not.
my family didn't even have a telephone line in the late 90s, we had to use a payphone on the street; worked hard, saved up, bought a house and sold it for 4 times the price a decade later. If those niggers weren't so lazy or didn't spend all the money on alcohol, drugs and twelve kids then maybe they wouldn't be so poor.
If he's not black then what is he?
He's of mixed racial heritage. I think it's a stupid splitting of hairs myself since a huge number of black Americans have mixed racial heritage. Some people make a big deal out of this though.
so get this.
educated people are less likely to have children or as many children.
don't want to provide ongoing education after high school? then don't complain when poverty continues.
Poverty will continue regardless of education because the pool of qualified candidates growing depresses wages. The effect we see between education and poverty exists precisely because education is limited. That's not to say that a better educated population isn't a good thing but merely that mass post secondary education won't eliminate poverty; poverty is built into the economic system.
They won't cut him cause his jersey is actually selling like hotcakes now.
Smart negro to be honest.
It makes you retarded enough to ask that
keep ignoring the fact that blacks commit a hugely disproportionate amount of violent crime