Why is the media making it seem like these are the only two options?

Why is the media making it seem like these are the only two options?

Are the other candidates just not trying hard enough to get some exposure?

Because we have this thing called an electoral college which breaks it down into two candidates only. We have a two party system, that's it.

How about third parties? John Exotic will SAVE THIS COUNTRY

between a douche and a turd sandwhich, freedom isnt free, fuck the world , goin to the shitter, thank god im on the way out

The Electoral college system is not limited to two parties. God you're an idiot

I don't get it. So do you mean the other candidates are part of either one of their parties?

We Have a corrupt gov. These Two parties receive federal funding to campaign. Which Means we pay to promote the corrupt two party system. And To receive federal funding a party needs to have at least 5% of the popular vote

Because the money that goes into the mentioned 2 parties is unbelievable. Millions of course, but so much unaccounted for costs as well that could total billions. How can any other candidate not affiliated with those powers compete without money? They cannot, the system is beyond corrupt, it is staged. Likewise our choices currently are not opposites, they are 2 sides of 1 coin.

Regular community joes dont have the popularity nor money to get them into news outlets in the first place, let alone make interesting headlines. Thus they do not capture the populace who only understand politics from the mainstream media. Issues on different fronts, our system of control and the populace who allow it to continue unchecked.

That doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't their money be irrelevant in something as serious as this? I would have thought the country would give all candidates exposure through tv so the right decision can be made and that the citizens aren't ignorant.

I get that all that money will put them at an advantage because of the noise and glamour Trump and Hillary can bring, but this isn't just an imbalance like I would expect, it's like everyone else is black listed.

In the UK we atleast get a choice even if they're unpopular.

Do you think anyine else is in the running, or is one of these two idiots definitely going to be President?

The UK only has slightly more choice it's still just labour vs conservatives in the end

I see why people say America is fucked now. Will they truly be happy with this disaster, just because of money?

There will always be people that are pushed more. But we hear about everyone and the BBC will even do a little segment on unpopular candidates so the public can use their own brains to make a judgement.

Well technically coin side are opposites.

I voted for Gary Johnson for president. You Can vote fit who ever you want. People Can still write Bernie Sanders in for president if they want. But The media only focuses on the two parties cause the media follows the money.

People aren't smart though, they only know what's given to them.

There should be occasional updates on the others. When Bernie was still running, it seemed more fair. Why did he stop by the way?

No. Half our country absolutely hates one of these candidates if not both of them. Our country is going to divide even more with our politics, religions, and race. The Economy is going to fail in this next presidency and I'm sure we will be at war with Korea and Korea will have Russia and China behind them. And Hillary will try to disarm the people if she can which will flood the U.S.with even more illegal guns and drugs

Why would this affect the economy so severely?

He Stopped because he identified as a democrat. And Since Hillary won the democratic nomination he stepped aside as a gracious loser. But He basically had the nomination stolen from him because of Hillary's super pack votes/money

Wow that's crazy, I do understand this logic though.

He didn't have enough delegates to win the primary. He couldn't change his party, so Hillary won the democratic primary and that was the end of it. It seemed more fair when he was running because it wasn't just two candidates trying to ruin each other's reputation, but if Gary had been a libertarian or green party member then I guarantee you the media would not have cared.

Its also part of conditioning. Most people have this idea that only 2 parties exist, look at the history and most are democrat or republicans. Most are also too busy trying to survive than spend their free time learning everything about political leader. most work 9-5 jobs, then they spend the rest of the time with their kids or family in general. So who fills in the tldr? The media. Which media? The ones with vested political interests in the first place. Money is power in todays society, and there is a lot of money circulating between those 2 parties.

So the masses really are distracted due to living expenses and lack of free time, plus the over-trusting nature of the media. This leads to a political system that can be manipulated if played right. Like a tv drama, those candidates who can get the most clamor are the ones who get backed. This is why other candidates cannot compete, because most dont realize they even exist in the first place.
Which brings my next point:

Yes initially if we just look at the sides we think its a fair game, 50/50 right? But the coin flip is not fair for every other candidate, it specifically excludes them and it is due to the nature of funding behind the political system for exposure which is why the coin flip makes us think it is competition when in fact it is scam. Always lead only 2 choices ever matter, all that is parroted is 2 choices.

This is just a system exploiting the naivete of the masses however. Both are at fault naturally. We pick our poison then complain when it gives us pain. The cycle must end somehow, as you can see the issue isnt just a sham election, but the mentality of the average voter is also exploitable.

Our Economy is artificially propped up right now through hyper inflation. The Price of gold and silver are steadily going up which means the U.S.dollar's value is going down on the world market. Interest Rates on savings accounts are dropping and minimum wage keeps going up. Welfare And food stamps are getting passed out at all time highs with the price of food raising in price even though the price of beef and wheat dropped to almost half for the farmer. (The farmer got $4/lbs for his beef last year, this year he only got $2lbs

>Why is the media making it seem like these are the only two options?
Because as long as the media makes it seem like they're the only options, they might as well BE the only options.

Yes you're right, nobody will do their homework that's why I assumed it would be a public service to get qualified people who will be good for the country out there. But I see that's not important over there.

So who is going to win? This is going to be insane.

Why is it in Hilary's favour for the price of Gold and silver to be up? And how is she powerful enough to manipulate that?

You're damn right.

People are retarded, and so easily lead.

She Can't control it. Those Were just my reasonings for why the economy is going to crash in the next presidency

Where are you getting your data on wheat and beef user? Also , dubs checked

>Beef Source
My Wallet, I buy raise and sell a few beef cows every year and watch the market
> corn, wheat and barley is more hearsay but could easily be googled

Fair enough. Thanks

Because youre never going to get half the population to vote for someone they never heard of until the election.

>Are the other candidates just not trying hard enough to get some exposure?
No, they just aren't paying enough money to the 6 or so guys who own all the media corporations.

Of course you can. You underestimate the power of positive influence.

I'm not talking mention the persons name and tell them to vote, I'm talking back story, whole lot of promises of change, filming with family etc.

I understand this now. You huys have educated me. It's extreamly sad.

When oeople were talking about Beyonce running I laughed, but I don't see why she couldn't with these standards.

Trump is the only comparison that makes hillary look good.

The media knows this and everywhere you look you see them putting him down and making her seem the best choice.

Even that image you posted, mogul. I know what it means, most Americans won't.
Sounds like an insult or a putdown. Could've used a different word like tycoon or top brass.

All these things are very subtle but count in the long run.

What does mogul mean?

I think it's that guy from Jungle book

>I know what it means, most Americans won't.



you know when they decided to separate church and state, they should have separated state and money at the same time.