Someone please fuck this guy up

Someone please fuck this guy up

He kept hitting on a good friend of mine, and found out one of her secrets. He blackmailed her until she sent nudes. He's now threatening to release the nudes, and she's contemplating suicide. Sup Forums, please doxx him or get him to stop. I know this thread is filled with fuck heads, but please just help out this one time.

Fuck off, I'm more interested in the nudes than being your personal army.

Please dude, I don't have them, but he's threatening to release them.

Nah. Fuck off

Sup Forums is a mercanry army give us payment for this or fuck off

I'll send nudes.
Not hers, but I will send nudes.

random nudes arent good enough we could get those anywhere we want your girls nudes cuck

What is the best way to extract revenge on someone anonymously?

I guess use a throwaway kik? I don't know, he's blocked me.

no but what could we actually do all we can really do is call him a cuck and send him gay porn

If anything, please spam his kik with gore and horrible things.
Just not porn
He'll enjoy that.

im not seeing any payment for this service

But all joking aside, she has actually been considering suicide. I had to talk her out of it twice now, and I'm really worried about her.

Please/b/, I'm not being sarcastic or joking.

we love when people kill themselves either give us a reason to attack this guy or fuck off

He's blackmailing her.
He's used said blackmail to find out personal information.

He's blackmailing her.
He's used said blackmail to find out personal information.
He's threatening to release the nudes and ruin her social life

i dont fucking care we like those things no give us some fucking incentives

Call me good guy gregg, but fuck em, I'll of it for fun

Tell him to do it on Sup Forums when he does.
>good friend of mine
Pff. Friend-zoned. You should be encouraging this dude so you can at least see the nudes of the girl you'll never have.

>ruin her social life
You think people with no social life care if some random slut has a social life? She's a girl, all she has to do is spread her legs and problem solved.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

>real life blackmail/extortion
>not calling the police

If the first response is to goto 4channel, then those nudes deserve to be leaked.

What's the cunt's name?

OP doesn't know what he's talking about this guy is amazing! He once saved me from a house fire also he knows karate.
Great guy

Call da police, that shit is illegal yo

i messaged him asking for the nudes if he delivers ill post them here first

Ummm call the cops. Distribution of those picture could be illegal. On top if blackmailing. Have like... idk professionals handle it

But the cops will see her nudes, and she might get embarrassed. Its clear, suicide will solve the problems just great, because nobody is ever going to see this chick naked, ever

We don't have any of his personal information

the police can track ips you idiot

I don't have any of his personal information to report

I'm a minor, and I don't know where to report it.
But he could get charged with possession of child pornography

Nigga just walk up to the police station and tell them

first off just tell them idiot second UNDERAGE FAG MODS MODS

>violating rule 2

I'm 17, turning 18 in 4 weeks

thats still violating rule two little kid

Not sure if you idiots have heard of this, but there is a block feature on nearly every messaging app now, kik included. On top of that, as long as she isn't deformed or famous, why the fuck does she care so much for others to see her nudes? If she didn't want them leaked, she shouldn't have sent them.

Contact the police, tell them about the situation. It's that simple.

Okay. I don't know how this is gonna go but I'm gonna go down to the station. I'll post updates.

i hope they laugh in your face


I love him!