Failed my driving exam

Failed my driving exam

Fucking kill me

what did you mess up on?


retard fuck u

what are you, retard?

Kill yourself im busy talking shit online

you obviously didn't ask for road head

If you failed on an automatic, please put it in D and drive yourself of a fucking cliff.

retard, what are you?

you know your dad is going to cry himself to sleep tonight right?

We dont do exams with automatics in the country where I live, changing gears is the easyest shit

Retarded apparently

Did you have a fuckhead instructor?

Its a scam to get people to take more exams. Make your instructor tell the examiner its your 2nd attempt and you'll pass 1st time

Well, I know 2 girls that had lessons with my instructor, which is a woman, both of them only got the license after the 3rd or 4th attempt,

A lot of people here give 200/300 € to the instructor and examiner in order to pass.

they always fail you the first time because they want your money.

Had an old hag myself who was overly sensitive about everything, and would've never passed me. I asked for a new instructor, chill dude, and I had my license a few weeks later.

If you can, get someone who you get along with. Many assholes in that business, along with trying to steal all your money.

Don't worry. I'm sure you'll kill all of us once they give you a license. For fuck's sake,OP. I constantly see senior citizens driving, who don't know where they are or where they're going, they can't see, and really never should've left their home in the first place - pass their DL exam. Get your shit together.


Most senior citizens got their license decades ago.

i failed 2 times because of some dickhead fucking me over and driving super fast beside me.

passed the 3rd time so dont be a little bitch and go take it again

And they mostly only had to drive around a parking lot for an hour or two, and they got their license. It's fucked today.

Yea mate, going to try to do it again before the month ends.

If I pass it, it will be almost 2k€ spent.

Fuck me

You damn retard.
>started with hand brake on
>raised the clutch with the left foot
>car bump but didn't turn off
>They say like "ok, you've almost failed let's see how it goes the rest"
>put the clutch down
>no panic
>that motherfucker of the examiner acts his revenge and asks me to park on a hill with the exact space for the car
>talked with the other guys later, I was the only one who was asked that, the others had simple parkings
>best parking of my life at the first try
>huge middle finger rise in my head against that faggot
>got my driving license