The only reason I smoke is bc I secretly hope to get cancer and die. What are y'all hooked on?
The only reason I smoke is bc I secretly hope to get cancer and die. What are y'all hooked on?
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There are better ways to get cancer and there are faster ways to die. You, my friend, are addicted to nicotine. Nicotine is a fascinating drug, in that it will actually convince your brain of idiotic notions so that your body can obtain it: smoking tastes good, I want to die, we all gotta die of something, I can quit whenever I want, etc. Congrats on becoming a slave to the tobacco industry.
same here
i've been smoking for a year and my chest has been hurting for the past few weeks as i breathe or sit up. but i also have anemia so that could be it.
i don't want my teeth to turn yellow cause that's disgusting, but if i'd die after smoking like 5 packs of cigarettes a day i would do it without a doubt
>There are better ways to get cancer and there are faster ways to die
please tell us more
ordered some salvia from avalonmagicplants (salvia is totally illegal in my country). helps with my crippling depression. trips are insanely awesome
Me too. I don't like life
>>There are better ways to get cancer and there are faster ways to die
>please tell us more
Asking this on Sup Forums. Welcome, new friend.
Absinthe, love getting wasted, and Mythe gets the job done real good