Hey Sup Forums 12th grade reading here, teacher got mad at somone for saying "hell". Please hit her with your best

Hey Sup Forums 12th grade reading here, teacher got mad at somone for saying "hell". Please hit her with your best.

Kahoot ID: 544805

AHAHAHA she took a fuckin screenshot and emailed it to the officer. Made us show her our phones. KEEP GOING

Tech department just came in give it all you got

What is this Kahoot cancer anyway?

PorchMonkey checking in

Anne Frank Standing by

Adolf Hittler reporting in

Give us an update cuck

RedNigger standing by

What is kahoot

Anonymous ready for duty

lesbianjew reporting in

>45th place
you've summoned an army

Yeah, am in

Some pictures of the class would be nice.

Sexy Homunculus at your service

Sorry guys its over, she is fucking furious though and she said she "contacted" kahoot and they are gonna tell her who did it. We also all have detention now but the look on her face when "CuckMySnuck" and "NiqqasKKGAY" came up was priceless.

Props to whoever said "hellyea" she got the reference

I hope you have proxies or some shit

She gave you all detention when she couldn't prove any of you did it that's bullshit don't go to that

What are they gonna do though top kek

that's fucking genius kek i need to do this once


teachers name?

I would appeal the detention, get your parents and the principal involved, tell them about how we live in a democracy and bot a dictatorship where the innocent are not unjustly punished along with the guilty due to a lazy investigator and lack of evidence.

>We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship
This isn't true in high school. You sign away all your rights when you sign the handbook at the beginning of the year.

Not saying that it isn't Bullshit, because it is. But they really don't care about what "rights" their students think that they have.

We got detention because one of us is responsible, but nobody knows it was me and I don't plan on telling anyone. It's fucking genius and now everyone is talking about it.

Who was the guy fucking kek

Lul, what they gonna do, ban us from Kahoot?