Please talk to me about football

Please talk to me about football

so lonely

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>tfw not ugly just subpar and don't stand out

H-how bout them Red Bulls?

I can't think of anything desu.

Let's talk about K-On. Which one is your favorite?

Ritsu she seems fun and would probably be a nice cute gf who you'd marry after a few years and grow old together... oh I made myself feel again.

do you like the Buckeyes?

She is pretty energetic user, are you sure you could handle her?

Why are we still here just to suffer?

does anyone else play pokemon go as a competetive sport?

i dont give a shit about the mons or whatever all im doing is leveling up as quickly as possible, riding my bike 20 km a day and secure more than 10 gyms each day.

I would try.

What are some animes about depressed anti social losers? I want to wallow in depression

been unusually depressed last 3-4 days.
It's hard to stay out of bed, going to try and force myself to go to the driving range, but I don't think I have the energy.

International brake not helping at all.


My favorite is Mugi, I think we would make a good autistic couple together.

Welcome to NHK and

Welcome to The NHK. Yokoso Hitori Bochiiiiiiiiii~

Is Initial D worth watching?

I love this time of year, OP. The weather is cooling down and starting to rain again so it's nice and cozy inside. Football (and Fantasy) begins. College starts back up in 10 days. It's amazing.

yahari ore no seishun something something something

kys weebcunts

Supplement with St Johns Wort lads, worked for me

I like Azusa and Mio

Watamote is trash

>ywn spend an afternoon with Money Boy and Hustensaft Juengling

why live?

What goes on in Dortmund, besides losing

Grave fears about me EVER getting a gf lads

I'm basically completely normie aside from that :(

Dubs confirms

You're a super beta who afraid of non-submissive woman.

You know what's weird? I can't even IMAGINE having a gf. It's like my brain is unable to process the thought.

So has he realised he's a joke now, and is running with it? Or is his whole act still completely unironic?

A former classmate of mine is actually part of the GUDG

omg, I said talk about football!!!!!

more losing :-D

Shit is this the off topic thread for tonight? Lads, never go outside
>be shut in who plays Overwatch and Smite all day
>watch movies also, occasionally go out to eat
>cousins randomly stop by my apt
>bug me to go out to a party with them
>hesitant because it'll involve drinking and I stopped drinking since I turned 21 (like a month ago)
>end up going, and we basically drink the moment we step out the door til the party, so like 3 hours
>*normie things*
>end up getting so drunk I black out, leave the party, and try and walk home.
>I live 10 miles away from home
>end up walking all night (all fucking night), lose my phone and ID
>walk home to only find out I forgot my keys, and my room mate wasn't home
>have to fucking sleep outside in the hallway til they show up
never going out again, i got invited to another party next week but hopefully they forget they asked me.

also pic related, I had to ride the fucking first train of the day with a bunch of homeless people

side note, I was wearing an Arsenal shirt and a Spurs fan kept bugging me about Arsenal lol

So what anime do you plan to watch next season?

I stopped watching anime 3 years ago, sorry

I only watched non non byiori

his act has never really been unironic, but he´s also not really a joke i mean the guy sells out shows n shit. Guess he just does whatever he feels like and apparently enough people like it for him to live way more comfy than all us losers.