What does Sup Forums think of Osu?

What does Sup Forums think of Osu?

It's okay

it's great. Got under 1000 rank in osu!standard but after that I kinda lost interest as I was more frustrated than happy.

Wow. how long did it take to reach under 1k?

trash tier rhythm game

Great for improving mouse accuracy, however if you are serious about it you will probably switch to a tablet .

If you are going to waste your time on muscle memory, go play an instrument or at least a fighting game. This is just a borderline autistic waste of time and human resources.

I started playing "for real" in december 2012 and I got under 1000 rank in 2014 or 2015 so it took me about 2.5 years to reach it

it doesnt improve mouse accuracy for shit on any other games you fucking degenerate fuckwad

as long as somebody's having fun you should shut the fuck up, buddy.