Dedication + Training
Dedication + Training
Don't forget mexican horse meat
is jamaica a athlete
whoever made this hates usain bolt
Well there you have it folks
rky makes u consider
So what's the clean WR? WHo's the fastest white guy?
Lemaitre? But I wouldn't guarantee he is clean
Nobody is born with large muscles. You do have to train. And there are suplements that help (and aren't ilegal).
john teeters
>implying the white guys aren't doping, too
wow really maks you think...
rlly gives food for thought
So much racism in just one post. Disgusting.
>implying roids are bad
Tfw no fogo Na babilonia concerts in usa
>"hey guys have you heard about bolt? they say he's so good he's beaten several doped athletes, without any enhancing. he's the greatest athlete to have ever lived!"
Who needs roids when you've got chicken nuggets
Over 10 seconds. There isn't a single natty who has ever broken the 10 second barrier. But who cares if they're all doped up because it makes for much better entertainment.
certainly makes you ponder
great, my boss saw this when he walked by and now im fired for really making him think
really makes the neurons fire off..
They are all doping so Bolt is still impressive. Same as FloJo, who was raping doped up Russians and Germans in the '88 Olympics.
in reality it does indeed make me contemplate
"see this ledecky girls is amazing too man, she managed to be almost a swimming pool ahead of everyone at the olympics. the best part is that she's clean as whistle bro. aren't we living in the prime of human race?'