>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself
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because colour does not matter. Paint you faggoty ass flourescent green for all i care. That is all.
They do it on the down low by chanting "TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!"
Cause you guys are faggots.
tell that to black/hispanic hiring managers
but i do, user
b-but i do user? And i'm not even white.
I'm mixed
What has the white pride movement achieved so far again?
Uh because I'm not going to be associated with those dumb degenerates. I'll simply keep on only dating white women til I have a white wife with white babies and do my best to raise them to do the same. Oh and I'll (mostly) silently judge those whom race mix. That's what it comes down to for me, I don't care what kind of pride or profession other colors have but race mixing really pisses me off.
That's about it
>Implying I want to be part of the muh white peeple safespace
Thanks but no thanks.
Britain, USA, and most of the EU's economic and national success until the past decade or so; and even now, all of the most powerful people in the world are white or from like one of three Asian countries (China, Japan, S Korea).
I'm busy.
No really, I have shit to do and no time for that.
>>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Because there is no pride at be white, only shame and embarrassment.
I only became white in 2010
I can understand but dont agree with you.
>Explain yourself
Because skin color is a ridiculous notion to be proud of and doesnt full denote a persons national ties i.e "Muh UV light". Nationality on the other hand...
In my teens I joined a neo-nazi gang because seeing a black dude with a white gf/wife/whatever made me sick in the guts (on one occasion to the point of vomitting). Later in life I came to the realisation. Im not a racist. Black dudes banging gorgeous white chicks is just fucking yuck.
You know a chan's been corrupted by normalfaggots when threads like these are literally 90% trolls and last a short while, and threads like "u mad wite boi i fuck wite wimin black powah hurr durrr" only have a small amount, if any opposition at all and can last hours at a time
>Being white but not supporting White Pride
>Explain yourself
I live in Utah. Tons of homeless people. All white.
Ever seen pictures of an ICP concert? All white.
You're probably not too bright and you're white, right?
There's tons of shitty white people... maybe statistically doing better than blacks and hispanics on crime and such, but clearly you can't judge individuals by their skin color. Judge on merit.
Because besides the fact that the idea of "racial purity" goes against everything genetic science has revealed in the past 50 years, ignores all real science in favor of psuedo-science dis-proven over a century ago, has no understanding of things like socio-economic disparity and the cyclicla nature of poverty (and how those things effect people, as in, blacks in America have issues because they have no education, so they can't get a real job, so their children have shitty educations, go on to have no job, ad infinitum), and was one of the reasons behind the most devestating, bloody, and horrifying war in human history, there's the fact that you morons can't even agree on what "white" is.
Also, watch how these guys descend into mindless rage and incoherent vitriol when you point out that their great enemy, that boogeyman that is the Ashkenazim Jew, has skin that is colored what most people would consider to be on the lighter side of the color gradient scale. It's funny as hell.
I actually do, to a point. I'm white, I'm proud of it, but I don't do groups.
White is what shows up on most hiring forms as 'Caucasian'.
Of course, you would know this if you weren't a NEET faggot.
But caucasian refers to a specific group of people descended from the caucasus region, not a skin color
You almost certainly wouldn't put down "Caucasian" if your parents were iranian or arabian
Honestly it's the National Socialist political views
You mean the people of the Caucasus mountain region, like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan? I thought you Nazis hated those guys?
>"u mad wite boi i fuck wite wimin black powah hurr durrr" only have a small amount, if any opposition at all and can last hours at a time
so where are those threads now?
Welcome to Sup Forums! I hope you're having a nice first time here.
Because I'm not racist nor for fighting Racewars? Is that a reason?
Don't pretend like you know anything about genetics you tard.
I see a white power thread right now
And no black power threads currently
Because I'm whi... wait wrong thread.
Just wait a little while. There are always a few every day.
Because I'm not a stunted socially crippled man-baby.
I don't understand that image
You mean shit like the "We Wuz Kangz" threads? Comedy gold. Those guys understand history and science even less than these exemplars of the white "race."
That was a trick user
There's one right now
if you had correctly answered, "here's one right now "
I would have just replied
>implying no opposition
>50+ replies to the OP in direct opposition to those views
The only reason threads like that get more replies is because there are a lot more people butthurt about black power (AKA people like you) than people butthurt about white power
You make me sick, honestly.
Only manchildren feel the need to supplant their own lack of accomplishments by jerking it to their own constructed superiority
If you're better because you're white, you go out and prove it
>White "race"
>Quotes around "race" implying there is no such thing as white race
>hurr durr muh social construct
ITT: Traitors
Your grandfathers died fighting the nazis and now you want to be one? Fuckin pathetic.
>Tfw theres more than 1 white race
> nords
> anglos
> germanics
> slavshits
I literally NEVER see you autists saying that about black pride, hispanic pride, female pride, gay pride, etc.
>Inb4 "They're oppressed so they're allowed to, we allow them to because you oppress them DXXX"
Why are you proud of being the default character? That is like playing steward and playing a human footsoldier and being fucking proud of being so fucking generic lol
They are all the same race. The same genus. Just because nationalities don't look exactly the same desn't mean that they should all be categorized differently.
Also, every race has this; Asians, Native Americans, Africans, they all vary slightly based on region. What makes you think Europeans would be an exception, and that we would all be exactly the same?
Obvious troll. This is so bad it's not even amusing
Nah, the reason they haven't accomplished much is pretty much evident. They're inferior, excepting the chinks which seem to be doing pretty well for themselves and the Jews that are evil but respectably intelligent in their insidiousness
Actions speak far louder than words and it's far more productive actually advancing white accomplishments than it is jerking off your fellow stormfags while you fish for dubs and rage at kotaku
"Race" would imply different species. Different species would not be able to crossbreed effectively, and those that can usually produce only sterile offspring. Dogs come in different breeds, but they can all breed with each other, barring size differences. (yes, a Saint Bernard could impregnate a Chihuahua, but the puppies would kill the poor dog, and probably wouldn't make it to term anyhow)
In humans, genetic diversity, or as you Nazis would call it, miscegenation, is actually GOOD. Inbreeding causes massive problems, and is such an issue in Iceland, a very white country, that people have fucking detectives go through their family histories before they date.
Of course, Icelanders also believe in Elves, so they might not be a great example.
because i've never been to prison, peckerwood
Good point, I don't necessarily agree but I definitely see where you're coming from.
I personally am not really a white supremacist, I'm just proud to be white, and oppose white genocide. I'm a white nationalist
being proud to be white is stupid. it is a characteristic out of my control, not a fucking accomplishment.
Because any form of Anarcho-Communism cannot exist side-by-side with any form of prejudice.
I just think it's pathetic that a lot of stormfags are too entombed in their own NEET hugbox hell to realize that shitposting online is so utterly useless.
But then again, the most powerful people in the world are pretty much all white, asian, or jewish, so results speak for themselves. Of course any non-retarded human can become powerful they just need to want it enough
There is so much wrong with this post, I'll try to cover it all
>Race would imply species
What makes you say that? Really, what?
>In humans, genetic diversity, or as you Nazis would call it, miscegenation, is actually GOOD.
First of all, I'm not a Nazi, and second of all, race mixing is not beneficial in any way. The argument of "If you don't race mix, everyone becomes inbred!" is a fallacy because while a racially homogenous country may only consist of one race, the population is vast enough to where inbreeding should never be an issue. Keep in mind, there is only so much information that can be crammed into 46 chromosomes. Also take ito consideration the fact that whites (along with everyone else) have been on this planet for (at the very least) hundreds of thousands of years and have done just fine.
If it were really true that a racially homogenous society would collapse on itself due to no fresh DNA, no humans at all would exist, because all populations would just crumble up and wither away.
I'm don't use chans and argue with people anonymously online because I want to change the world, I do it because I enjoy discussion. I'm well aware that very little of the people I've every debated have actually adopted any of my views. Keep in mind that the internet is not real life.
Maybe not be an anarcho-communist?
don't 404 please
>I see a white power thread right now
>And no black power threads currently
this nigga right here figured out Sup Forumss game, the gig has been let up, it's really some lonely faggot ass white pride fucks shitposting those "umad" threads.
or maybe it's the same fat angry black kid who made this thread to see the difference between the two threads?
you'll never know. gotta love anonymouse.
Open your eyes autist
>he thinks sand peoples and greeks/italians are the same as nords or slavs
oh my lawwwwdy. it's as big a difference as mongoloids from austrailia and africans.
Race mixing is a natural progression of humanity. Attempting to prevent race mixing is an unnatural abomination.
Are you shitting me? "Sand people" are muslim arabs I assume, which are not European at all.
Greek/Italians are white, they just have tan skin because of the part of Europe they live in.
You offer valid points, user, but the picture in your post kind of undermines your point about race-mixing offering no benefits.
Reasoning? Because as it stands, what you've just said makes no fucking sense.
lol true
dont have to senpai
white genocide
The boy on the top left is pretty cute Tbh, that doesn't further the point you're trying to make.
Yeah it does, you're fucking gay, that furthers my point immensely.
It's natural for foreign people to come into contact with each other and breed together for increased genetic diversity.
Not really. Races only outbreed one another when the populations are pushed together, which doesn't really happen naturally on any large scale.
And saying that racemixing = diversity is a logical fallacy. See here
>>Being white but not supporting White Pride
>Explain yourself
I'm of Polish decent, and I'm told that since I'm slavic, I'm subhuman scum, and not welcome. I won't support a cause that doesn't support me.
Don't confuse Naziism and White Nationalism. White Nationalism applies to all whites.