PS4 Thread, looking for a new game to get today

PS4 Thread, looking for a new game to get today
was thinking maybe an rpg?

Playing DBZ Xenoverse 2 at the moment, also have
witcher 3.
gta 5,
nba 2k16
TES: online,
the last of us,
uncharted 4
black ops 3,
advanced warfare
fallout 4
rainbow six udnersiege

>games ive already owned
the division
tales of v
starwars battlefront (new one)

Can you guys recommend me a new game to grab today?

>and before anyone hurp durp pc master race, i have a gaming pc too just enjoy my console as well, git $

i also owned just cause 3, assassins creed 4, and destiny

Darksouls 3

any older games or new games cool

Hey Valkyria Chronicles, it's a tactical RPG back from the ps3. I really enjoy it

>console cuck
>not PC gaming
I'll admit, you do have a good taste in games though.


Damn I already have that game on steam! thank you so much though

i have a pc as well

How about final fanatsy 15?
Will come out soon