Any Alaska fags on currently...

any Alaska fags on currently? i'm currently thinking about moving to anchorage but i wanna hear what its like from people from there. Also i'm from Portland Oregon and I don't mind cold weather but I understand Alaska is much colder.

907 reporting in, what do you want to know?

self bump

like would you recommend someone going there also how icy are the roads there?

anchorage fag here. what are you looking to do in Alaska for work?


Isn't it expensive as fuck to live in Alaska because there's no industry/production? Everything is imported. Califag here, don't know shit about Alaska but my impression is its full of cold white hicks who hunt game for survival and hunt game for recreation. No In-N-Out? No thanks fam.

I only recommend living up here if you want to be away from every one else also the roads are not that icy right now. The past 3 winters up here have been really mild. Never reaching below 0 in Anchorage.

cool, well you'll find a lot of work for welders here then. the oil industry is tanking at the moment, so I wouldn't try too hard to get into that field of work, but you can find a bunch of shit for welders on just craigslist alone.

as for living in Anchorage, I'm personally trying to get out of here. It's more like a necessity to live here, since most decent jobs are either here or in Fairbanks. As a welder you'd have options, so I'd try to get out to a smaller community like Homer.

Anchorage might be the "big city", but nobody who comes and stays in Alaska does so because of city life. Most people I know think about being in more outdoors accessible towns.

I can't imagine living in Alaska. What type of activity do you guys even have going on? Everything must be painful to do.. damn..