Who here /complete fuck up/? Post age, problems , living situation , employment .
I'm a 25 yr old college dropout drug addict with brain damage who can no longer complete simple assignments and have trouble making decisions. Living with parents wishing I could muster the courage for suicide
Going to be 24. College dropout. 3.9GPA. Don't feel like I learn shit in school, but feel like I'm too stupid to concentrate on simple tasks to do hard work.
girlfriends parents bought us a cheap house. GF working right now. I'm sitting on Sup Forums at 3pm on a Wednesday smoking weed.
Need meds
Jaxson Jackson
>drug addict
Lemme guess--weed?
Jason Gomez
You poor thing.... Winge winge
Bentley Davis
Weed smokers are generally lazy and unsuccessful.
Jayden Collins
Kevin White
>25 >Too manly to be a woman, to feminine to be male, procrastinator, drug addict, alcoholic, lost anal virginity to cousin, was accused of rape, all girlfriends I've ever had left me, no job, no college, I have a hit out on me, my mother is engaged to a ftm tranny, my grandfather is abandoning my grandmother, my uncles are all on meth and crazy as hell, I may have accidentally ruined a few people's lives, my ex best friend (27) is fucking my 20 year old cousin, I may have ball cancer, I've got athletes foot, a bone sticking out of my chest, my toes look like someone ran them over, I've got athrietus and carpool tunnel, my right eye won't focus, my legs like to displace themselves so the knee joint is going to shit, ect
David Thompson
>I have a hit out on me
AYO HOL UP greentext pls
Xavier Wright
>Finally had my shit together last year >Fallout with best friend/mentor >Obviously messed me up more than i realized >Have manic episode and jump off a pier >Smash ankle to pieces >First four xrays they cant read because of too much dust >Somebody ends up attracted to me >Was too shy to say hi >Sleeps with someone else >I get mad and make a comment >Long story short >He is way more popular and able to go out and spread his side of the story while im in a cast >I become a pariah >Drop out of college >Shut in >Parents are helping me move to another country >Chose spain because my sister might be able to get me a room with a former friend >It constantly hurts to walk >No qualifications >I'm a very hard and dedicated worker but showing up with a cane and no degree means im pretty much fucked >Literally need a miracle or i'll probably be dead by next summer if not by circumstances but by my own hand >Genuinely considering joining a gang >This last year was the straw that broke the camel's back
I used to fight so hard to keep my hope despite everything in my life telling me to be more selfish. I paid for it in the end. People fucking suck and they really aren't worth the effort. They are all a pack of assholes and i honestly just don't care anymore.
I know how edgy that sounds but if you knew the full story you would be like, yeah fuck people too. I was at rock bottom and they just helped to push me further down the hole.
I used to think there was nothing wrong with being gay but i do now. I really do think we are abominations that deserve to burn in hell. Most of us anyway.