No more motm threads

>no more motm threads
>no more pti threads
>no more lel threads
>no more feels threads
Is Sup Forums, dare I say, over?

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why do mods hate Sup Forums so much?

It's been dead for a while. I used to love the shitposting when no sports were on. Now Asian moot has his zerglings purging all off topic threads

Sup Forumsics are the chads of the 4chanese and the mods are the beta nu-males

This we are kings of the losers

>liking Sup Forums when it was Sup Forums 2.0

the summer of cricket is about to start again lads, don't worry

>liking "if you make fun of americans and real football you are banned" reddit

>I have to be allowed to be a shitposting retard to enjoy a board

>I have to follow strict rules on a quasi-fascist system to engage in sports discussion


Saved to my American banter folder

I have the strong feeling that mods and jannies have never been to a sports event, otherwise they would let us be.

I haven't been here in a year or so. The board is so slow now. Is it only because school started?

>no nfl
>no nhl
>footy just started
>college just started

international break

There's a lot of new people, fags who whine about the usual late night of topic threads we had

Literally STOP pretending you were ever here before. Go back to Sup Forums where you belong t bh.

Everyone just posts in the same 10 generals, so other threads last more than 24 hours. It is sad.

>tripfag whining about newfags

>being smug about being a long-standing 4channer


>not filtering attention whore niggers

>tfw no gf

t. newfag
I don't care if you're new really, just stop whining about how things happe here, if you don't like it fuck off to your old board instead of crying that it isn't sports


Why? No one here is that relevant to warrant me bothering with doing that

nah, it's been like this for ages now

sums it up

This attachment you have to a chinese website is quite moving

I'll give you a tip. This ain't your family or your board or mine. It's just some website on the internet.

You are my family and I love you

Nobody wants to stay outside of live games.

Lonely fags calling a bunch of anons """senpai""" make me laugh

No one here gives a shit about you or the next person who posts you deluded pathetic morons

Kek, that's a word filter senpai

f a m

You would know, wouldn't you? Smug about rotting here

Prouder than a father with his first born fellow 4channer

Man. Late night spuh was the nuts.

This desu

Who remember japanese bug fights and North Korean TV broadcasts?

>japanese bug fights

Me and Sup Forums are not joined at the hip

>no more lel threads
>no more feel threads

There's literally been a couple the past few days. Maybe you should browse here when there's actually people here

Sup Forums needs to be safe for work so I can browse at the public library without being arrested. The website needs to change to suit my needs.

>public library

You get banned for anything on Sup Forums now lmao