guys how not to fuck up my first time?
my gf wants to have sex this Saturday, but I'm a virgin so I'm pretty scared of fucking up, or not lasting long enough, is sex anything like masturbating? how was your first time? cheers
Guys how not to fuck up my first time?
>how was your first time?
Not bad, but Father Flanagan went in dry.
My first time i fainted lol.
Don't worry, if she knows, you are a Virgin. Sheel think it to be cute. Which it is.
Also. Don't worry, nobody's first time is perfect, but it gets better every time
Use a condom. The slight reduction in feeling might help you last longer. Also when you're going down on her, lick the English alphabet in cursive capital letters with your tongue.
Just relax. It's your first time. No one expects you to be a pro at deep dicking your first time around.
Just make sure she's tied down tight and isn't able to scream for help and you should be ok
I was 28 before I lost my virginity. The best advice I received prior to doing so? "Start making out and let your instincts handle the rest."
Turns out that in order to become the dominant species of a planet you have to be pretty good at fucking, so, yeah, don't overthink it. You already know what to do and will do it when the time comes if you just let yourself.
>Is sex like masturbation?
Jerking with your hand is a friction like pleasure but putting your dick in a woman is like placing your dick into a hot, wet, tight hole with another human in front of you that has tits out, moaning, etc.
My first time I knew I was going to cum 2 pumps in so I pulled out and then my dick went limp like an accordion out of fear.
If she's understanding and you guys get along really well, you're much better off telling her that you're a virgin one way or another. She's going to find out. The first couple times with each other is going to be rocky but you'll get the hang of it. Listen to her, see what she likes, explore, etc.
Unless you're both virgins then it's going to be a nightmare.
grab her by the pussy
Your first time is going to be a little awkward and clumsy, that just a fact. It shouldn't matter though if you guys have a good relationship. If anything it just makes it better