Tfw tried rowing

>Tfw tried rowing
>all the beginners have the rows on the left side in a 4 man boat
>we struggle for a literal hour because me and the other noob keep getting the row under water
>Tfw never going back

I was kicked out of my uni club because I sucked and they were too many members
I liked it a lot though

I would get kicked out by now if it wasn't for the fact that there are too few members in my rowing club so they'll just have to accept me

Tbh it was embarrassing as fuck this entire thing
>told to keep my grip on the rows in front of me
>do that
>row of course goes deep in the water when you do that
>can't escape this hell because the other guy who's also a beginner keeps doing the same

did I mention the "experienced" rowers here had only went to one or two more trainings that I have

considering never returning desu

I was a complete noob at first too, you'll get used to it and improve man, try practicing your technique on a rowing machine

I rowed when I was about 15. In my first training I was out of time and was hitting the back of the guy in front of me with my oar handle. It was a struggle but by the end of the season I felt strong as fuck and I had good technique and ended up winning a medal at national champs.

It was well worth being shit and embarressing myself at the start. Failing is normal when you start something new. Success is about how you bounce back and what you learn from your failures.

Are all Swedes this retarded or are you just memeing?

Collegiate rower here, just asking bc you sound like a spastic

I am autismo

If all swedes were like this then I wouldn't get btfo

lmao at you dorks catching all those crabs.

>be last year
>be in Florence
>join rowing club
>literally just a bunch of European pussies trying to do something
>300 hundred years of slavery had render my genes superior compares to this lanklets
>love rowing in the beautiful Arno.
>literally own everyone
>they get mad at me
>they call the cops
>get deported
>I regret nothing.


Actually, no. I'd spill as much spaghetti, too.


Once you get the technique down it becomes 1000% easier, the first time I went rowing I was fucking dying by the half way point and nearly got push out of the boat by the oar stuck in the water a couple of times.

I would bet a lot of money after you have been out on the water 3-4 times it will miraculously feel so much easier, like magic.

r u me senpai

You are hardly going to be a rowing master on the first day.

>be shit
>keep practising
>get good

Don't be a lazy cunt

>visiting my grandma
>she literally made chicken tendies
>sitting here scrolling Sup Forums while she yammers on about her dead husband and shit from like a billion years ago

Lol dis slut still craving it, bitches be crae



I want sympathy


kek got em

Don't quit Swedebro! The first few weeks of rowing are basically the most awkward you will feel compared to any other sport because of how much of your body is involved (and because you've never done anything remotely similar to it before unlike throwing a ball or something). If you tough it out it will be worth it and you'll be in bar none the best shape of your life and you get to eat whatever the fuck you want in any quantity. Plus women l o v e rowers. If you're decent enough at it you might even get a scholarship offer in America if you want, or at least acceptance.

I'm checking this thread on my commute to work tomorrow to make sure you don't quit you faggot. Tough it out and you'll love it and yourself for it.

I havent gone rowing in the water but i abuse the rower machine in the gym. In fact I ve tried to improve my best record over the years to 8 minutes for 2km. Im pretty sure I don't know the technique but u guys seem complete retards.

Rowing machine is easy as fuck, the technique for rowing is also different from rowing in an actual boat where you have to balance everything properly and lots of things.

My rowing technique on the rowing machine is solid as fuck, no problems there, doing very well actually, but balancing on a boat which a bunch of other beginners

But yeah it was a retard fest desu, the problem now in hindsight was that both sides refused to hold the row properly so we kept tipping to both sides because of retarded "experienced" rowers who didn't know jack shit

t. op who has watched a shit ton of online tutorials

Thanks ameribro :3
I'll stick to it for a couple of more weeks, I don't have much of a choice anyways since the other activities I can choose from that are actually fun such as swimming are full

Didnt mean to bully. I just expected it to have some sort of corelation with rowing machine. Looks like im more retarded than you.