Huge cuck here. I opened up to my girl about liking to CD sometimes and she said she was okay with it until I found out she was sucking her bosses cock and fucking him eversince right after I told her. He was actually my boss too for a while and he was giving her little raises all the time. I finally started going by his house in the middle of the night, still remember the first time I turned the corner and saw her car there.
Huge cuck here...
Jace Moore
Matthew Cook
pic related?have nudes of her?
Ethan Smith
show more of her faggot
Matthew Hughes
Yes its her. I have some semi nudes no full body, mostly a lot of pics in her in panties, lingerie, or her ass spread.
Does she make you hard or what do you think of her
Hunter Hernandez
CD what
Camden Jones
Yes sir okay
Evan Jenkins
if anyone wants to get cucked, msg me on Kik
Matthew King
Dylan Stewart
Hate to sound naive but what does cd mean?
William Campbell