It's time Sup Forums. Fluffy thread, dump your fluffy shit here

It's time Sup Forums. Fluffy thread, dump your fluffy shit here.











I got more


take this




I do like the idea of a fluffly learning the word 'fuck,' but what with the reoccurring motif for foals with chilies up their asses?



It's supposed to be hurting them cause it's spicy, I don't think peppers work that way though.


The blue one is so brave....

I mean, I just remember like two other comic revolved around foal getting peppers up their asses, or eating peppers and getting the shits. is it the same dude?


I think so. probably his preferred method of torture.

are there any stories with these guys?


Yeah it looks like they are from the same artist, he goes by the name kun.

McGonnagal (the character) is kind of a dick. A lot of the foals display love towards him and appreciation of things like a sock (imagine if being given a sock made you happy), but he treats them like shit anyway. Kind of bugs me.


that's modern-day fluffy abuse. hurt them for no reason and everyone'll love it, apparently.

if there was some justification, it would be a lot better since it's actual justice instead of abuse.

well he is only keeping them to sell them...

basically hes no bigger a dick than all the other humans in fluffy fiction.




honestly, I would prefer there was no justification. last thing I want is cruelty to be righteous. if it is sadism, or convenience, I then i feel okay about it.


eh, to each his own.

Would an artificial creation have a soul?


You mean this one?

What the fuck is this? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

honestly, I have no idea.
I guess souls are for sapient beings,
I am more interested in if they can evolve.


The ways of the Jellenheimer are mysterious. Not sure if watching over or preying.


That's a shit-covered feral you stupid nigger! Would you also pity a shity, infested rat?

considering the greater evils in the world, this is jsut a collection of fucked up comics and stories... and pretty mild compared to other sicker shit that is out there.



Like seriously, I was just at a gore thread. If you wanna say that shit go there.

It is a tradition, there must always be something.



I love the little fucker in this.






Yes, finish it for me.




I don't care about gore threads, this is its own thing, and fictional. I would rather this than other shit.






Catharsis anyone?

Thought, ya gonna end with fake ending. Can't have thatt. Fluffies have to suffer.


Also yukkuris

> if they can evolve
Depends on the selective pressures exerted upon them. I suspect they are a genetic dead end by design (Hasbio wold want customers to eventually get a new bio-toy).

Especially pregnant mares... or mares with little one hidden in their fur. There's nothing more kickable than shit-rat bitch with little shit-rath chirping on her back. Oh the sweet sound os mare pleading for mercy while you send her and runts into air with one, precise kick. MMMMMMM

Why? Is this a fetish? Do you fap to this?


yeah, but then the ferals don't stand a chance outdoors...

no and definitely fucking not

though im not speaking for everyone


Mcgonagal makes the fluffiest fluffies


tl;dr: It's catharsis



some people do.
but its hard to finds things people DON'T fap to these days...

truly one of the greatest fluffy artists, no questions asked


I think the pregnant mare's suffering here is incidental. He just wants the foals.

not this shit again...



He really hates ferals though. Right now he needs to balance off two or more foals killed by that feral shit covered neutered fluffy. In earlier stripes you can see him offing prego-mare with a shovel.

i think that user was referring to the copypasta

Sweet, sweet mare suffering. MMMMMMMMMMM


I have a "confession" to make. When i was a little child, about 4-5 years old, i saw an animated movie (i don't remember the title) in which there where animal babies separated from their mothers (or viceversa) by hunters or whatever they were. For some reason, rather than making me sad, i found that kind of pleasing.

Yes, it's weird as fuck, i can't even believe that i, the me of 4-5 years old thought that. I have never thought something similar to that, i like animals and i have never been cruel with anybody. It seems that the combination of their cutennes and their cruel fate woke up a barbarous zone of my young brain. I have been seeing you guys making these threads and i wanted to say this.

Sorry if i fucked up something, english is not my first language.

dude, chill...